Feb Cons!!!

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Master Member
Member DIN
Hey gang, sorry I missed the beginning of the month's announcement of what was going on .........this month......This past weekend was Kasucon in MD.....I catch a lot of pics on my IG of OTHER people going..........did any one here go? Even if you didn't go in HALO gear....it would be nice to get a review of what it's like there. Perhaps it might entice people to go next time...or for the first time even.

Regardless, here is what is going on for the rest of the month:

Name: PAX East
Date: Feb 27-March 1
Location: Boston, MA
Events: anything and everything!!!!!

A BIG East Coast favorite con!!!! I know many of the 405th-ers have gone.....Now I need reports back please. I want pics.....I want to see PerniciousDuke's Photo Challenge thread never getting dust on it.....and I want to see more of "Where is Dirtdives?" pics!!! (Because I'm narcissistic and I love to see myself)!!! So get out there and get busy!!

Remember, if you or any of your Fire-team is caught or killed, the secretary will..........uh.........sorry, wrong web-sight.........please forget what you just read... Better yet, look at this:

Hey gang, sorry I missed the beginning of the month's announcement of what was going on .........this month......This past weekend was Kasucon in MD.....I catch a lot of pics on my IG of OTHER people going..........did any one here go? Even if you didn't go in HALO gear....it would be nice to get a review of what it's like there. Perhaps it might entice people to go next time...or for the first time even.

Regardless, here is what is going on for the rest of the month:

Name: PAX East
Date: Feb 27-March 1
Location: Boston, MA
Events: anything and everything!!!!!

A BIG East Coast favorite con!!!! I know many of the 405th-ers have gone.....Now I need reports back please. I want pics.....I want to see PerniciousDuke's Photo Challenge thread never getting dust on it.....and I want to see more of "Where is Dirtdives?" pics!!! (Because I'm narcissistic and I love to see myself)!!! So get out there and get busy!!

Remember, if you or any of your Fire-team is caught or killed, the secretary will..........uh.........sorry, wrong web-sight.........please forget what you just read... Better yet, look at this:

View attachment 284965
SgtSkittle117 can you provide us with a report?
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