Female Spartan Armor

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New Member
New here! (Yes, my account says 2013, but I only used it for a short time back then.) I've tried finding information about this, but I couldn't find any. Anyways, I want to attempt a full suit of Spartan Armor. My problem is I'm having a hard time finding female sets and was wondering; do I have to wear female spartan armor? Will it look odd/scale funny if I just choose whatever armor pieces I want? I'd just hate to start the whole process only to have it end up looking wrong or fitting oddly because it's male armor and not female. To help, I'm small build 5'4" and 123lbs.
I haven't completely decided on one yet as there's so many to choose from, so if you have any suggestions I'd be happy to look at them!

- - - Updated - - -

I did find a female scout set that I love, but I'm afraid it might be too much detail for a first timer to attempt.

2303-direct comparison.jpg
You should be able to just use the male variants as long as you scale properly. KayPickle might have some insight on this?
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I see my references is making its rounds.

Unfortunately I baseed that set of armor off of the MP female variant instead of the actual Sarah Palmer model. I didn't have those models for reference at the time otherwise I would have based it off of Sarah.

The only problem is that the female MP variant is that it's simply a slimmed down set of armor still build around the male's skeletal structure (so they can use the same bone ring in-game). I have a feeling that because of that, they still wouldn't fit as expected.

So as of now. I don't know of any "true" sets of female armor. So you might be best off free handing your pieces out of foam. Or attempting to scale models and see how they fit, but I wouldn't quite so focused on trying to find female specific armor, simply because it doesn't "truly" exist.

I hope that are sense.

Best of luck
My first suit was just the Normal Mark VI files found here I just wanted to be Master Chief and didn't really care about gender (I'm a girl too!)

As long as you scale it to your size, you will look fine (although people do tend to call me "Sir!" when I'm in the suit till I take my helmet off :3 )

The only issue I had was that I had to adjust the cod piece... and I think I want to remake mine again (for the third time..) with the female version, but I wanted the gear to look like the Classic Chief look.

Do whatever you want! Female or Male armor, it will look fantastic as long as you scale it to you! It only looks funny if its too big :)

L3X database has some great files, as well as this link here: There's a ton more files out there, but my best advice is to look around to see what you like, honestly just googling "Pepakura files 405th" or "Foam files 405th" will give you tons of results :)

Best of luck and I look forward to seeing your build!
Thanks everyone! You all helped greatly!

I'll be sure to post pictures and such in a progress thread as soon as I get what pieces I want lined up!
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