looks kewl. a nice backround whould help (blue hexigons perhaps? ). oh n why not make the one on the left tanned instead of gray, she looks a bit... dead. :/ other then that i think it looks prity kewl. has a kitteh
looks kewl. a nice backround whould help (blue hexigons perhaps? ). oh n why not make the one on the left tanned instead of gray, she looks a bit... dead. :/ other then that i think it looks prity kewl. has a kitteh
Well, if I could, I would. But, as I don't really use any sort of graphics programs, I wouldn't know where to start, lol. Hopefully you'll manage to find a better hexagon background, though...
Well, if I could, I would. But, as I don't really use any sort of graphics programs, I wouldn't know where to start, lol. Hopefully you'll manage to find a better hexagon background, though...
I dont think that armor would be of any use at all to a female in combat, the fact her breast are nearly falling out of the skimpy "torso piece" she'd get shot in the heart or lungs real easily and instantly be killed. Her legs and crotch area being so revealing, many of her vital organs could be accessed by bullets shot from a lower angle.
i can see this happening in a "gentleman's club" but not real war.
I do salute you on your artistic skills, I guess this picture just wasnt my taste, but the quality of work was outstanding, colors were nice too.