Finishing my ODST!


New Member
At long last, all of my ODST armor is built and ready, and boy do I have a lot of sanding to do.

I'm creating this new thread because my old one is around 6 months old, and even I have a hard time keeping track of stuff on it, so this is gonna be mainly the finalizations of everything!

To start, I have a finished ODST shoulder piece, the first of many that will be painted!


It's pretty gnarly in some areas, as I've never really used spray paint before, and underestimated how much tape I'd need. I think I'm gonna keep all the defects though, as a little monument to my first cosplay and as a representation of all the valuable mistakes that were made and learnt from :)

That's all for now, until next time, folks!
A week later after finally getting some time off...

HELMET. IS. PAINTED. Just waiting on the visors I ordered two weeks ago to get here so I can insert them into the helmet.

I definitely had a lot of improvement with the painting, but as you can see there is still some areas I missed when taping. Onto the next shoulder pad after this. Here's a few photos!


Pardon the mess on the counter


Once I can get these weathered I think it'll look reallllly good. Right now the paint is kind of flat by itself, so weathering will treat this nicely.

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