First Build - Halo 2 classic Battle Rifle


New Member
Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I got interested in the cosplay scene after going to HCS in Seattle, and having gotten a printer for Christmas I figured now would be a great time for my first actual build.
Right now I’m still modeling the actual rifle, in blender. Any tips are appreciated as I’m relatively inexperienced with this sort of modeling style.
Hoping to have the model finished in about a week? Then I need to do some testing on the best way to assemble before doing the full print. I’m going to try to incorporate magnets into the barrel and the magazine so they will removable.
Managed to find the exact scope that WETA used for landfall, the Bushnell 1x28 Trophy scope. While it is unfortunately out of production I found a lucky bid on ebay, so that should make a nice addition to the build.

The scope in question.

Compared to Landfall

Hopefully it looks good, since my BR is not the same scale as WETAs was.

(Rough scale mockup)
Welcome aboard!

You don't see a lot of new people... (just got a printer for Christmas)... jumping right to modeling. I have to say your screen shots look darned impressive, as does your attention to detail and finding the same 'found parts' is.

I think a lot of us will be keeping an eye on you.
Welcome aboard!

You don't see a lot of new people... (just got a printer for Christmas)... jumping right to modeling. I have to say your screen shots look darned impressive, as does your attention to detail and finding the same 'found parts' is.

I think a lot of us will be keeping an eye on you.
Thank you, I’ve been doing blender for a few years so my modeling skills are pretty developed, just not for 3D printing specifically.

To be completely honest, I got most of the way to finding the scope through a thread here, and ended up finding another model that was an exact match.

Thank you very much!

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