
New Member
Hey there everyone, after finally getting a chance to wear my (mostly) finished odst armour to oz comic con recently I was naturally recommended to join the 405th, which I had heard plenty about before. I think its awesome that we have a dedicated infantry division for likeminded marines, odsts, spartans and more.

So with that being said I’m excited to share my kit with everyone on here and become part of the larger community; helping others and providing advice, maybe some improvements of my own, and seeing all the epic builds people make.

I will attach pics of my suit to this post if I can, as I’m new to the 405th I’m also new to the forum so this might take some getting used to lol

I’ll do a mini faq here too but if anyone has more questions I’m sure I can answer them;

How long did it take you? About 2 years on and off, I’d always wanted to do it, absolutely loved odst, but I also didnt realise the momentous task it would be, so it took me longer than it likely could have if I used every ounce of my free time, but I’m very proud of it now that its finished and I think the time it took was worth it.

How did you make it? I’m sure in this community many will recognise or even be the makers of the various parts I used. I was never good at or able to vacuum mould, resin cast or do much with EVA, so most of the parts on this suit are, well, supporting 405th sellers. I dont believe that it takes away the time/effort or accomplishment of it though, especially for a first suit, but building it from scratch I knew would be a significantly larger undertaking which would require more dedication than I would have been capable of, suffering from burnout as I have been lol. Either way I did need to modify, trim, sand, paint, weather and waterproof clear coat the kit and attach padding, buckles, straps, clips, bandoliers, attachments etc. Looking back I think the effort was worth it for the finished result.

Where did you get the parts?
- Main Kit (Sean Bradley - Etsy)
- Backpack (Sean Bradley - Etsy)
- Helmet (Xcoser - Etsy)
- Visor (ReconService - Etsy)
- Gloves (ReconService - Etsy)
- Combat Knife (ReconService - Etsy)
- Hip Grenades (ReconService - Etsy)
- Biofoam Canister (D3LTAProps - Etsy)
- Halo Reach Health Pack (D3LTAProps - Etsy)
- SOCOM M6C Magnum (D3LTAProps - Etsy)
- M7S Caseless SMG (Printed Myself - Files: Brian Westgate)
- Flood Infection Spore Vial in Health Pack (RavenLaboratories - Etsy)
- Bandolier Sniper Rounds (Octuvis3D - Etsy)
- Bandolier (purple09 - Ebay)
- Brute Plasma Rifle (costumeking - Ebay)
- Undersuit Tactical Vest (River Centre - Ebay)
- Undersuit Typhon Camo Shirt (sinairsoft2018 - Ebay)
- Undersuit Boa Camo Trousers (le-xia - Ebay)
- Undersuit Belt (bestmovieart - Ebay)
- Undersuit Boots (BigW)
- Calf Pouches (Repurposed from ones I found in my house lol)
- UNSC medical reference (Custom made from metal and laser etched with functional barcode)
- For details about paint/sandpaper/straps etc let me get back to you I dont have that information handy at the time of typing this.

When did you join Halo? What got you into it?
My dad is probably the main reason I got into Halo, he and I got a 360 and Halo 3 and as soon as we both played it we were hooked. I think I probably played Halo 3 more back then than I have with any other game since. That might be an overexaggeration. But it felt that way. With that being said Halo 3 was my first Halo game (meaning I had CE/2 to look forward to still), but the second Halo game I played was ODST. Knowing the mechanics, the story, the world, the weapons, the enemies, the visual design of Halo 3 like the back of my hand, jumping into ODST was something else. Having the opportunity to play as the badass spec-ops troopers present in one of the sickest cutscenes of one of the sickest missions in halo history blew my mind. Yet there was something else. The jazzy music, the lonely feeling, the detective element, slowly losing ammo to small groups of enemies until finally realising the stealth approach is often the best. Discovering answers, being guided by the city ai with road signs, detours, keep lefts, blocked exits towards clues of your squad and audio logs about the civilian experience of the invasion. You’ll hear me say this a lot, but contrast is the best filmmaking and gamemaking element you can use. So when all of that quiet contrasts with daytime non-stop action, vehicles, marines, heavy weapons, big enemies, explosions, chaos. Suddenly the loud moments are so much more exciting and the quiet moments so much more melancholy and reflective. Now, this ramble is not to say I dont love the rest of the Halo franchise, I have 100%ed the games after all, I absolutely love Halo Reach and Halo 2 for instance. But Halo 3 ODST has this soft spot in my heart, maybe vergil put it there, who knows, but I knew I had to show the love for ODST somehow.




Meeting Smaller than Average (AKA Lumpy Space Princess)


Feet first into Hell


Meeting fellow ODSTs


Unfortunately one of the shoulders straps broke and as did the blue right hip grenades, so this isnt the complete suit. I am also, at the time of posting this, only just noticing the yellow hip grenades are on upside down lmaooo. Ah well, part of the craft!

Anyways as a footnote, let me know what you think and whether there is any improvements you think I can make! and thank you for allowing me to be part of this community!

- Regards, Captain Fawx
WOW your suit looks absolutely incredible!!

I dont believe that it takes away the time/effort or accomplishment of it though, especially for a first suit, but building it from scratch I knew would be a significantly larger undertaking which would require more dedication than I would have been capable of, suffering from burnout as I have been lol. Either way I did need to modify, trim, sand, paint, weather and waterproof clear coat the kit and attach padding, buckles, straps, clips, bandoliers, attachments etc. Looking back I think the effort was worth it for the finished result.
Yes building any suit is a big accomplishment! Despite the fact the fact that not everything is made from scratch, the sheer amount of time and effort you put in to this ensemble is absolutely something to be proud of! I agree with you when you say that the effort was well worth it for the finished result.

Yet there was something else. The jazzy music, the lonely feeling, the detective element, slowly losing ammo to small groups of enemies until finally realising the stealth approach is often the best. Discovering answers, being guided by the city ai with road signs, detours, keep lefts, blocked exits towards clues of your squad and audio logs about the civilian experience of the invasion. You’ll hear me say this a lot, but contrast is the best filmmaking and gamemaking element you can use. So when all of that quiet contrasts with daytime non-stop action, vehicles, marines, heavy weapons, big enemies, explosions, chaos. Suddenly the loud moments are so much more exciting and the quiet moments so much more melancholy and reflective.
You've perfectly described what I love about halo 3 odst! Playing as the rookie contrasts with the rest of the game so well. But it doesn't take away excitement, rather emphasizes the action. It's such a great game

Congrats on finishing you build! It's awesome
Wonderful build! Weathering always tends to be the first thing I look at, and I love the way you scratched it up
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