First Halo Helmet (CQB)


New Member
Finally finished my first halo helmet and am so proud of how it turned out. Thanks for the 405th for being so helpful whenever I would ask need to ask any questions about making the helmet. Also excited because now finishing this means I get to start making the rest of the mk5 armor. I got to really thank galactic armory for this sick file with everything I could have wanted with it. Also N8TEBB and his mk7 armor video for inspiring this in the first place. And lastly my two friends who also made their own halo reach helmets with me. I'm excited to show more of the armor when I get to it and thanks for the 405th being awesome.


TURNED OUT GREAT!!!! I love the paint job, the visor looks fantastic, the colours go very well together, and it looks like it fits you well! I'm glad I could be of inspiration to you! It makes me so happy to read that my video is encouraging folks to make their very own halo armour. That's so cool, thank you! <3
I love the colors! The helmet is looking CLEAN!

Welcome aboard and glad you were able to find the help and inspirations you needed here! Stick around, there's plenty of amazing people here. I myself have known of the 405th awhile, although almost exactly a year ago is my first time getting involved. It's been a blast and I'm glad you've had a similar experience.
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