First piece of the puzzle.


New Member
So following my modifications and painting of the MA40 I wanted to look at a Helmet build. Following an Ender V3SE purchase I decided to proceed. The first choice was a pilot helmet but having completed the print it looked a bit boring and I hadn’t quite got the scale right. So I moved onto a Commando Helmet print with some new found measuring knowledge and I’m happy so far with the results.
We are still at the prep stage with high build primer and filler before we go into paint.
Very much enjoying the 3D printer and its versatility. Although I do need to play with some settings as I’m getting quite a bit of stringing with the PETG.
Next is building the DIY vac former for the visor.
I like the progress pics, and everyone makes mistakes (regarding the forum it's in). Keep us up to date with how the visor buck creation goes for that vac former. I look forward to seeing more!
The first choice was a pilot helmet but having completed the print it looked a bit boring


(Me building my Reach armor with a pilot helmet, will never recover from this)

Your build is coming along great! I also need to build a vacuum former for my visor as well. Your silver weathering looks nice. Did you use silver metallic dry brushing or Rub'n'Buff. Ive done a bit of dry brushing but never like how I manage to get it to look.
View attachment 353228

(Me building my Reach armor with a pilot helmet, will never recover from this)

Your build is coming along great! I also need to build a vacuum former for my visor as well. Your silver weathering looks nice. Did you use silver metallic dry brushing or Rub'n'Buff. Ive done a bit of dry brushing but never like how I manage to get it to look.
Thanks! The silver weathering was done by dry brushing chrome spray onto the gun metal sections. I’ve now backwashed the helmet
To take the shine off and put a grimy/ used look on it.
Moving into the HUL3 and mounting now and then she’s done.
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