Flood discussion!


New Member
Heya gusy!

I'll try to do a decent thread since I'm not the best at writing... Also, this thread will contain spoilers for HALO INFINITE!

I have a question for you - do you think the Flood should make a return to the Halo series? Personally, I was hoping for some action involving the Flood in the latest game. I even found a cylix with an infection form in it, which made me even more excited to face them. At one point, I thought the temple in the middle of the map (last mission) could be the Palace of Pain - a significant Flood research facility used by the Forerunners on humans before the Halo activation, if I recall correctly.

Whenever we had an encounter with the Flood, it always gave me a sense of urgency. I felt like I had to do something against them, anything to prevent them from taking over the ring or worse, the entire galaxy again!

Thanks for coming to my flood talk!
I'm split on whether or not the Flood should come back. The recent short fiction on Waypoint released along side the Flood Themed cosmetics for Infinite confirm that the Flood are still active, and even more terrifying have infected a Spartan IV fireteam. So they have opened the Door, and the Flood are an integral part of Halo. Their first appearance was a massive twist that made Halo stand apart from the rest of the First Person Shooters at the time, and the further twists they put in the story about Halo's true nature made the game's narrative a step above. The threat of the Flood drove the Original Trilogy and set the ultimate stakes for 3 games.

That said, 343 has a story problem. Since Halo 4 it feels like they have been struggling to find a narrative footing. They've been afraid to move forward from fighting some form of the same Covenant enemies from CE, and at the same time almost seemingly abandoning plot lines before reaching a satisfactory conclusion.

I'd hate to see us rush past the Banished and The Endless to fight the Flood, again, if it means another storyline regulated to a comic, ebook, or Waypoint Short Fiction for its ultimate conclusion.
Yes, the Flood needs to come back into Halo. The newest generation of fans needs to know the fear that plagued my childhood for so many years.
This! I remember being scared shitless when CE introduced them, it was Glorious!
I'm split on whether or not the Flood should come back. The recent short fiction on Waypoint released along side the Flood Themed cosmetics for Infinite confirm that the Flood are still active, and even more terrifying have infected a Spartan IV fireteam. So they have opened the Door, and the Flood are an integral part of Halo. Their first appearance was a massive twist that made Halo stand apart from the rest of the First Person Shooters at the time, and the further twists they put in the story about Halo's true nature made the game's narrative a step above. The threat of the Flood drove the Original Trilogy and set the ultimate stakes for 3 games.

That said, 343 has a story problem. Since Halo 4 it feels like they have been struggling to find a narrative footing. They've been afraid to move forward from fighting some form of the same Covenant enemies from CE, and at the same time almost seemingly abandoning plot lines before reaching a satisfactory conclusion.

I'd hate to see us rush past the Banished and The Endless to fight the Flood, again, if it means another storyline regulated to a comic, ebook, or Waypoint Short Fiction for its ultimate conclusion.
To me the endless are not as interesting as the other threats we encountered in Halo, maybe it's due to how they presented them or how 343 just kill their plot off screen all the time.

A thing I would've like to see in Infinite is an infected part of the map. or even seeing the Flood 'Fog' on the other side of the ring as we play the campaign. I.E : At the start of the game, some part of the Ring would be covered by the Flood fog making us think ''****, she did free the flood by destroying part of the ring. Or maybe something like "What is going in back there'' For the new players.

As for the future of The endless, I have a feeling they will betray The banished whenever the opportunity will come.
That said, 343 has a story problem. Since Halo 4 it feels like they have been struggling to find a narrative footing. They've been afraid to move forward from fighting some form of the same Covenant enemies from CE, and at the same time almost seemingly abandoning plot lines before reaching a satisfactory conclusion.

I'd hate to see us rush past the Banished and The Endless to fight the Flood, again, if it means another storyline regulated to a comic, ebook, or Waypoint Short Fiction for its ultimate conclusion.
Or worse, for the story problems to actively degrade the Flood threat in its initial introduction. 343 seems to be gladly tearing down every factions resources with the repeated big set piece attacks/intros/off-screen conclusions, and I'd worry that they'd want to skip right to end stage Gravemind grand apocalypse stuff. But faced with a crippled UNSC, fragmented Covenant, and presumably mauled Banished, their only option would be plot incompetence on behalf of the Flood, or magically pulling significant forces out of the Ether to meaningfully oppose them. Neither option is particularly appealing to me.

If 343 wanted to take a crack at the Flood, I'd really rather see them do so in some content parallel to or before the events of Halo 3. Not sure if they'd grasp the encounter design for the Flood though - With how they handled the Prometheans in their first couple outings, I'd be worried about a repeat of H1's rocket flood.
I’d love to see some flood! I think they could bring them back because I think the rings had flood research facilities or something? So if the banished were messing with them, they could accidentally release them. I’d like to see something along the lines of that, but it would also mess up the original trilogy. Like didn’t Chief and Arby go through all that just to stop the flood? It would sorta need a new way to stop the flood to not just repeat the same way 3 did.
I’d love to see some flood! I think they could bring them back because I think the rings had flood research facilities or something? So if the banished were messing with them, they could accidentally release them. I’d like to see something along the lines of that, but it would also mess up the original trilogy. Like didn’t Chief and Arby go through all that just to stop the flood? It would sorta need a new way to stop the flood to not just repeat the same way 3 did.
The Ring (Zeta) has one of the biggest lab on all the Halos (Palace of pain), and having the Banished breach it like they breach HC in Halo wars 2 would be so cool!

As for the The end of Halo 3, maybe some part of the floods are still adrift somewhere, I think the Gravemind might have enough brains power to not send all of his force to one place...Well I hope haha!
they used to launch my corpse around like a bliilards ball . so I always let someone else kill them
Yeah their Popping power was way too strong in CE xD
I could see an entire game based solely on the flood being a thing. There's "Branching Sickness" that's been in development for quite a while and I'm excited to see what happens with that; but as far as an "official" 343-produced Halo game, I could see them taking something like a Halo3 ODST approach and have a game that takes place during the main trilogy but elsewhere; Something that culminates with being there when Captain Keyes and Johnson and the gang unleash the flood during 343 Guilty Spark.

Just something about being able to PLAY the CE flood reveal cutscene as like, one of those marines or something makes me GIDDY.

The buildup to it could be done so well if they play their cards right. They already have the ability to do some really good environmental storytelling at 343, so I'd trust that they could make a legitimate horror game based on the flood.
the flood defently needs to make a return. im hoping for some Flood DLC with the palace of pain being an area we can explore and find out more lore on them hopefully seeing flood in containment and infected acined humans and such
the flood defently needs to make a return. im hoping for some Flood DLC with the palace of pain being an area we can explore and find out more lore on them hopefully seeing flood in containment and infected acined humans and such
You know what I didn't even think about until just now? What about, instead of following the human discovery of the flood, what about the covenant's perspective??? According to Cortana in one of the Control Room cutscenes in CE, the covenant found the flood before the humans did, so that entire storyline is up for interpretation. I'd love to have what we had for Halo 2 (covenant perspective on the same events) but for the Halo CE story!
You know what I didn't even think about until just now? What about, instead of following the human discovery of the flood, what about the covenant's perspective??? According to Cortana in one of the Control Room cutscenes in CE, the covenant found the flood before the humans did, so that entire storyline is up for interpretation. I'd love to have what we had for Halo 2 (covenant perspective on the same events) but for the Halo CE story!
OMG YES I'd love to see that or what about a game set in high charity after its been over run by the flood as a survivor there could be 4-5 class choices that give you different skills to make your way out of the ship
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