hey guys well got bored today and thought of making a flood thing and well took me like 30 minuts well here it is just have to add color
so tell me what you think the second pic is for size
pretty sweet, wait is that...tin foil? or something no offense i only assume that becase of the way it looks in the pic i mean its awsome man but is it made of some kind of foil?
pretty sweet, wait is that...tin foil? or something no offense i only assume that becase of the way it looks in the pic i mean its awsome man but is it made of some kind of foil?
I was gonna suggest covering it with something too, bu looks like arthrxis beat meh.
Also may help with durability, I know that foil looses it's strength after so much handling. maybe douse it in paper mache junk or something to make it nice and tough. I like it though, looks pretty cool! Maybe someone can make a full infected suit sometime
its amazing what people can use tin foil to make these days. this looks really good. you should try to mold some clay over it and attempt to detail it some. you could really make a great model out of this. keep up the work.
that is pretty awsome you should try making like on of the bigger floods outta aluminum foil, and then fiberglass it and give it some high gloss tan color to make it look slimy-ish.