Found this super cool helmet today at my local target


New Member
Honestly went in just to look at hotwheels and ended up leaving with this.

How do you guys feel about them finally releasing cool helmets in stores rather than the usual Halloween style helmets with the massive cutout in the middle? I could even possibly repaint this to a little higher quality if I wanted to!
i´d do at least a little bit of weathering on it with some acrylics. the color matching on the infinite armor is pretty good
Honestly went in just to look at hotwheels and ended up leaving with this.View attachment 344322
How do you guys feel about them finally releasing cool helmets in stores rather than the usual Halloween style helmets with the massive cutout in the middle? I could even possibly repaint this to a little higher quality if I wanted to!
View attachment 344321
its the one i used with my infinite armor they are a nice helmet
is it "adult" sized or somewhat kid sized? either way, I'm gonna agree, just for that visor alone that's a steal, given what a good vac-formed chromed visor would run you, and that looks flawless.
is it "adult" sized or somewhat kid sized? either way, I'm gonna agree, just for that visor alone that's a steal, given what a good vac-formed chromed visor would run you, and that looks flawless.
its very oversized, gives huge bubble head vibes if your are not like a 2,20m bear
its very oversized, gives huge bubble head vibes if your are not like a 2,20m bear
Honestly if you're buying it for the visor itself that's probably even better as you can always cut it down to size, if it was too small there's not a whole lot you can do about it.
its very oversized, gives huge bubble head vibes if your are not like a 2,20m bear
Not really.

It may come down to your own body type, but the Jazwares Infinite helmet seen here is not at all terribly oversized.

Several of our Infinite Chiefs, like marinesniper above, have used the Jazware helmet to great effect.

Here is George with this exact helmet, and as you can see it looks just fine when worn with the rest of the armor:

Not really.

It may come down to your own body type, but the Jazwares Infinite helmet seen here is not at all terribly oversized.

Several of our Infinite Chiefs, like marinesniper above, have used the Jazware helmet to great effect.

Here is George with this exact helmet, and as you can see it looks just fine when worn with the rest of the are
it is a good helmet but oversized
nah man, still bubblehead...
for comparison:
its at least one third oversized
Respectfully I disagree, especially about it being "one third oversized." Compared to this Screenshot from Infinite, it does not seem at all 1/3 to large.

Like I said, plenty of our Infinite Chief costumers have used it, and not one of them have complained or felt it to egregiously out of of proportion with their completed armor. It might not be the exact dimensions or scale, but the in game Spartans always have issues with their proportions. Members have done comparisons to Chief and other Spartan helmets in Infinite, and a normal human head could not fit in them realistically. Chins would poke through or under the helmet, cheeks would be pressed up against the sides, ears would clip through if the head was in protion to the rest of the body.

I have also compared this helmet to other fan made replicas I have, and it is perfectly in line with all of them. No mass produced helmet, even fan made replicas, will fit everyone's portions perfectly, like a one off custom or personally made helmet will, but this one falls in line with the default sizing used by the vast majority of makers in our community. Compared to the Sean Bradly ODST, Branfuhr's Mark V, Steven Lee Commando, Moonlight Forge Mark V, and other fan replicas I own this seems to be the go to scale. In fact, this helmet is actually slightly smaller than several of those helmets.

So, it might not work for you, personally, but to attempt to dissuade others from using this helmet by claiming it is a "huge bobblehead" does a disservice to the community.
But you're not wearing it with your armor in that image. Almost every Halo Helmet looks like that when you are not wearing your armor. The addition of the chest plate and the shoulders always changes the visual profile makes the appearance more in line with the game visuals.

But you seem convinced that this helmet is so egregiously out of proportion that it is unsuitable for use.

That is your opinion, and you are allowed to have it, and express it, and I am not going to change your mind on its suitable for use with an Infinite Chief costume. For my part I will continue to express that for its price Tag, I think it is pretty accurate and easily worth the cost and works well for a costume. You don't have to use, but as demonstrated by George's armor, I think there is nothing wrong with using.

At this point we have derailed Kona's thread enough and I think we will just have to agree to disagree on the usability of this helmet, and based on the images here and in other user's build threads, folks will have to come to their own conclusion on whether they want to use this helmet with their costume or just keep it as a display piece.
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