Just got the Xbox flash email. Knowing Epic, they should live up to the monster they've made. All the more reason for us to get some COG pepakura going.
cant wait for the game. i liked the first one alot even though i really suck at the multiplayer. ill probably suck at the second one's multiplayer, but the single player will be kick ass
Just got the Xbox flash email. Knowing Epic, they should live up to the monster they've made. All the more reason for us to get some COG pepakura going.
I know this is a Halo site, but DAMN. Just because you are here because you LOVE halo (as I do) doesn't mean we can't pull our heads out our asses for a little bit. That looks bad ass! I hope they fix the shotty.
Gears of War 2! Great news, especially considering how the first game ended...
I agree that the multiplayer takes a bit of getting used to. My favorite aspect of the gameplay would have to be co-op. Marcus and Dom going separate directions = well done.
Just watched the trailer in all its HD glory on my 360 and projector... even tho it was all red it was uber! i hope the chainsaw from the middle up is a new animation for it
I'll have to put the COG armor on my list of things to make.
For the first two mintures of that video I was like "Oh, so they're doing EXACTLY what Bungie did for Halo 3" ... until I saw the meat cube.. and totally destructable environments..
For the first two mintures of that video I was like "Oh, so they're doing EXACTLY what Bungie did for Halo 3" ... until I saw the meat cube.. and totally destructable environments..
One thing though, the water is just too clear. I can see the edge of the map thrugh it!
Also, objects don't float in it, they don't even slow down on impact. That needs to be fixed.