you would need quit a few people to make a good grave-mind costume. you could make a flood costume marine style or even elite style but in my mind grave-mind just doesn't seem plausible. but if you could find a way to make a monster-sized flood that is supossed to be hundreds of feet long and hundreds of feet tall and composed of hundreds of thousands (maybe even
millions) of flood bodies then i will gladly get on my knees and bow to you in awe. my point is trying to make a grave-mind costume life-size would be like trying to make a life-sized god-zilla costume. see my point? if you make gravemind human-sized, he's not gravemind anymore, he's just a normal flood. sorry if i sound mean, don't want to, what i hate about the internet is you can't hear my tone. my point is someone
has probably thought of it but they came to the conclusion i did.

but a grave-mind replica would be pretty cool besides the fact that no one knows what grave-mind looks like except for the brief glimpses we see of his tentacles throughout the second and third games.