Had a conversation with two seasoned members, and a newer member on discord today that I felt I should share.

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I'm new to this community (like 2 days new). Apologies in advance for the long reply. This story makes me happy for two very different reasons.

1. I'm happy to see the group I've just joined is doing it for the same reason I am. I've been here literally two days and the amount of support and love this group puts out into the world is incredible (I saw a post collecting for a young boy at Christmas who had/ has leukiemia. Needless to say keep up the great work everyone!!!).

2. About 12 or so years ago I went to my very first con as a young adult. I had this exact same experience as the girl in the wheelchair and I can't say how much it meant to me. Now I'm here, trying to give back too.

Here is my story...

I had just made friends with a fellow group of nerds in my first year of university. I somehow made it 18 years on this planet without ever hearing about con-culture. My new friends... in their infinite wisdom... decide it is time for me to experience this community. I've been a comic book nerd since I could watch TV. My earliest memories are of the 90's X-Men and Spiderman on Saturday morning cartoons.

Away to Toronto Fan Expo we go. We arrive, I was expecting a bunch of old smelly dudes talking about their vintage comics and being dismissive of the young folks (yeah, sorry, I was so very wrong). I was expecting it to be stale and boring for some stupid reason. I had NO idea that cosplay existed. If you told me that some people believe that Halloween isn't just a day it is a lifestyle, well I would have said that is a beautiful lie.

The whole ride there we didn't see anyone in cosplay (which I now realize how werid that is now, as cosplayers migrate is one of my favourite things about getting there now. But when we walk in the venue... suddenly there are all of these people leaping off of the silver screen and into my life. I fanboyed immediately, to the point that my friends had to console me because they thought I was having a panic attack. I've never reacted like that before in my life. I knew I found a missing piece in my life.

As we walk through the con, there were of course the cosplays that stood out as "my childhood". Other experiences were had, I had the pleasure of meeting Adam West (there was no line, so we just went up and had a 15 minute chat with him). But the cosplay community was what stood out to me. Regardless of who we saw or asked for photos, everyone (with a few random exceptions) was exceptionally nice, posed for photos, and welcomed us with open arms.

Like OP said, what we do isn't just about dressing up... it is about community building, it is about bringing unimaginable worlds to peoples lives and letting people know that they aren't alone in this world.

Below is a picture of me at my first con just a few moments after learning about cosplay (a guy dressed as Cap let me hold his very heavy metal shield). Beside it is me in my first ever cosplay at this past year's Toronto FanExpo. I made a custom Batman suit out of EVA fiberglass and carbon fiber (the carbon fiber doesn't show up great in the pictures but in person it is a show stopper).

So from the new guy to all the vets, thanks so much for being so welcoming... thanks for doing what you all do! I look forward to becoming a member of the squad.

I'm happy to see the group I've just joined is doing it for the same reason I am. I've been here literally two days and the amount of support and love this group puts out into the world is incredible (I saw a post collecting for a young boy at Christmas who had/ has leukiemia. Needless to say keep up the great work everyone!!!

Hell yeah, I love it!.

About 12 or so years ago I went to my very first con as a young adult. I had this exact same experience as the girl in the wheelchair and I can't say how much it meant to me. Now I'm here, trying to give back too.

Yeah, that first bite is a bit much to handle. Making your own soup, now there's the fun.

Halloween isn't just a day it is a lifestyle, well I would have said that is a beautiful lie.

Bro, if I could go to work dressed up, I would.

Like OP said, what we do isn't just about dressing up... it is about community building, it is about bringing unimaginable worlds to peoples lives and letting people know that they aren't alone in this world.

If the stupidity of a build I have brings a smile to someones face, I don't care how dumb it is. That was the only point.
Man, don't be down on yourself like that. The lights don't have to be that toned down. We love you for who you are inside the armor, as well as the outside of the armor.

TheBraus, there are faces for movies, faces for radio and then there are the other faces that need helmets w/ full head coverage and dark lighting.....like all the time......

TheBraus, there are faces for movies, faces for radio and then there are the other faces that need helmets w/ full head coverage and dark lighting.....like all the time......

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Someone on Facebook posted a meme along the lines of "share if you're ugly"

I responded with "That's why we wear costumes bro."

Trust me. I know.
I just have to say, how much I LOVE this thread here to bits and pieces!
It reminds me, of how much the cosplay communtiy has grown in the past years and how important my cosplay-friends are in my life.

A few years ago, when I met my bf, we began doing repair booths at conventions.
He has a lot of different tools, and we can nearly repair everything that gets brought to us - from huge props to shoes an glasses - we do everything.

We don`t do this for the money (only taking what people are willing to give for material costs), but for helping the comunity. We have all had our experiences, of how bad it sucks, when stuff breaks right at the start or during transport or needs a touch up before entering a contest.
Allthough it can be challenging at times, we really love helping out the comunity that has brought us together. We just want to give something back to this awesome community.

Whenever we are displaying armour, we get asked a lot on how wwe made that, and most of all if the armour can be worn.
Most people give a complete look of utter disbelieve, when we tell them that all is selfmade and wearable.
A lot of them leave with ideas on how to make their first cosplay and come back a year later or so to show off what they acomplished.

It just makes me so proud to be a part of cosplay-community and of the 405th.
What a beautiful thread. I've had a lot of great con experiences, but I think this one is the most wholesome.

In Australia, on the 11th minute of the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, we stop what we are doing, bow our heads and remember those who fought for us over the years. This is Rememberance Day, the day to reflect on when WW1 ended.
I believe it was in 2018 when I had a convention that ran on Rememberance Day. I'm sure most of you know what a con is like - extremely loud, with people shouting and music blasting, people packed in like sardines, and one hundred different things going on at once. Then, all of a sudden when the clock ticks 11:11, everone stops. All the noise and action just drops to a halt in less than a second to pure silence for a minute. It was absolutely incredible to witness and gives me some pride in my country, and my fellow nerds.
Ok, i can not find the photos of the event. but i will explain what went on as best as possible. i was at marcon in columbus ohio and was wearing my storm trooper armor. when a dad came up and ask if i would take a picture with his son? i said sure i would as we walk over toward his wife and son. the young man's eyes got big with excitement. that made me smile. i ask his name he told me and then we started to do our photo shoot, he was having so much fun. it was when he ask me if he could see my blaster i told him he could hold it if he did not point it at any one. he agreed and we took more photos. When he handed me back the blaster he turned and said to his mom i wish tyler could be here to see this real storm trooper. i ask his dad why he said that? the dad said he brother has a condition that causes him to have trouble breathing when he is in large crowds. but that he loves storm trooper more. i ask the family if they would be ok with me coming to the house to go out for halloween later that year and i would bring something special for him. they said sure that would be great. i kept my work and showed up at the house 2 hrs early so he could have time with the storm trooper him self.. the look on the little brothers face when i rang the door bell was something i remember every day. i had a good friend of mine wear my darth vader suit to the house to drop me off both boys were just in wow. so i stayed and went out for halloween with the boys. i gave the mom a package that was for the younger boy. i had got him a new style trooper outfit but it was big on him i was thinking the boys were close in age and size. so in the photo you will see i have the wrong helmet on the wrong armor but i wanted to match him as much as i could. I will say this when his mom put him in the costume he would not let go of my finger. at the end of the nigh my buddy came to pick me up and the little boy ask me not to leave because i was his friend and friends dont leave. broke my heart but i told him i would see him again next halloween. he said i will hold you to it. when i wave goodbye he said see you later my friend...
the picture of me in the right costume was when i got there the other with the wrong helmet was when i swaped helmets while was getting dressed


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My first con, I dressed up as Scout from TF2.
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Short story here but I was chilling at HOD Philly waiting for the Canadians to finish taking photos with all the different Covenant species and apparently I was standing far too still for some person so when I moved they went "HOLY S**T YOU'RE ALIVE!" and jumped back which proceeded to make me laugh my bum off. Afterwards I ended up talking with him for a bit and he grabbed some photos with us at the booth but it's still just one of those fun experiences. I think the coolest thing though is when I get pmd by someone out of the blue on Instagram or something and they say "you inspired me to do this" and show off their very own suit of armor which has me geekin out over. Being able to inspire others to enjoy this hobby just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Hey! Guess what?! You're one of the people that kept pressing me towards finishing my ODST. I had gone to one con in the past, and it was awesome dressing up in a soft costume. The smiles you can leave on people's faces is something you'll never forget. Finishing my ODST this week, and showing it to my close friends, and Fiancé, those smiles returned. They couldn't believe something from a video game could appear in real life. You pushed me to finish it, I had been working on that suit for 3 years. Getting my helmet from you, and doing the work on it, was a first time experience that was awesome as a costume creator.
My first con, I dressed up as Scout from TF2.

Hey! Guess what?! You're one of the people that kept pressing me towards finishing my ODST. I had gone to one con in the past, and it was awesome dressing up in a soft costume. The smiles you can leave on people's faces is something you'll never forget. Finishing my ODST this week, and showing it to my close friends, and Fiancé, those smiles returned. They couldn't believe something from a video game could appear in real life. You pushed me to finish it, I had been working on that suit for 3 years. Getting my helmet from you, and doing the work on it, was a first time experience that was awesome as a costume creator.
This comment made me tear up man, I love this community and inspiring more people to build their character is one of the awesome positives that come with it
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