Props Halo 3 Spartan Laser. Finnished.

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Here is my Spartan Laser final renders:

Poly Counts;
Polys: 3, 703
Verts: 5, 149

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That is the best looking laser I've seen. Please turn that into pep! You do excellent work my friend.
I don't really want a .obj getting out because it can be imported into 3ds max. but seems as you all want it then I am going to give you a .obj

Let me sort somethings out on it though so I can prove its mine if someone trys to take the credit.
You can make a pdf of it if you don't want to give away the file...

Or put a password to the .obj, I think you can...
Great work WM! Clean looking model :D

As for the theft problem, if someone really wants to gank it they will. And let them, 99% of the time they can't model anything anyways. So they'll look like then they look like a chump. Though I understand where you're coming from :)
LastSpartan said:
You can make a pdf of it if you don't want to give away the file...
Better yet, release it here as a .pdo file and you don't even have to unfold it. Releasing it as a pep file virtually renders it useless for those who want to use it for purposes other than making a paper model.
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Download taken down because 4 people have downloaded it and not one has said thanks or anything. So I think I will keep them to my self.

I'm not being funny or anything but a thanks would be nice. Sorry. I just find that rude.
Hey Hunter,

I'd offer the file to those only willing to pm you and explicitly ask for your permission to use your model, and those whom follow through are the ones that are truly going to appreciate it I think....

- Darke

(I know I'd be interested)
I was one of the downloads yesterday, I meant to post up my thanks and thoughts on it and then got slammed at work, I actually had to do some work here yesterday, by the time I got out of here I had completely forgot... so my apologies for my lack of feedback.

The model looks great and very accurate but I think in its current state it's insaaaaaane for pep. I think it could use a couple days worth of poly-reducing work before anyone could attempt to build it, or they might end up beating their head against a wall. I'd volunteer to simplify it myself but I haven't had much of a chance to even think straight lately, although I could make it a long-term (read: slow) project if you wanted it done.
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