halo armor

Good evening everyone, I want to buy the project of this great guy Halo Infinite Master Chief Full Body Armor STL Files | 3D Print Model Has anyone already bought it? Do you know if it is reliable and if it is delivered correctly?
I don't know how reliable it is going to be. At worst, it might just be a direct game rip, which will be low poly. The applied texture makes me think that's what they did.

As far as I'm concerned, the only two I know are reliable and accurate is instinct creative's files, and galactic armory's. Those are the two makers I would trust if I were to 3d print this armor myself. I am sure other people might know of different makers with available files. SpartanJohn do you know of anyone else with files?

Here is the link to instinct creative:

Here is a link to galactic armory:
Galactic Armory

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