Halo infinite cavollino helmet


New Member
First off thank you to our lord and savior moesizzlac (free plug your welcome)moesizzlac's Thingiverse Profile

Anyway I printed his halo infinite cavollino helmet as my first ever halo prop and my first ever wearable 3d print.
So first I’ll go over how I printed this and then I’ll do a bit of a review of the actual files.

So I downloaded the full helmet file without any visor and I got it into 8 parts in meshmixer. (thank u meshmixer u have my heart) and then I printed all of them on my Ender 3 pro. Looking back I definitely had more supports than I had to but overall the prints came out great and I think I only had one or two failures the entire time and I’m pretty sure those were my fault with leveling. After I printed them I primitively cleaned them up and superglued them. After that I juts went though an endless cycle of using Tamiya putty to fill and help keep things together and sanding and uses filler spray primer and more sanding and on and on and on. I finally did all that and finished it with regular spray paint.

For the visor I got some clear plastic sheet( this was months ago and I completely forgot where I got this stuff from) and some gold window tint. I applied it to the plastic and blah blah blah this isn’t a visor tutorial. I then attached it with Velcro. I glued some foam padding to help with fitting and it was done. I wore it to my local Comic-Con. (Matthew’s comic-con) and I actually saw some of u and showed it off for a bit.
Anyway I’m really happy with how it came out for my first helmet ever.

Now for the file review.

Absolutely perfect, moe take my money.

But seriously the files are perfect and easy to print in every way imaginable. Definitely check out moesizzlacs work on thingiverse cause he has a ton of great files and he makes new ones all the time. Sometimes on the discord if ur talking about something you’d want to see as a printable file you’ll see that the week after you said that moe would have already made a file and posted it on thingiverse. Fr though I was asking around about a specific halo helmet and like without actually asking he just started making a file for it. IM NOT SAYING TO REQUEST FILES FROM HIM. DONT GO HARRASSING HIM FOR FILES CAUSE I SAID THIS. But fr he’s a great guy and you should definitely check out his work.

Anyway that’s the helmet.

Definitely recommend.


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