Halo Infinite Spartan (First Build)


New Member
Just getting started but what do y’all think of the set up? I’ve already scaled so I’m just tracing out each paper piece so I can transfer to foam.


  • IMG_6398.jpeg
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Looks good to me. Good luck on your first build and if you have any questions ask away! There are lots of knowledgeable people in this community.
Looks like a sound workstation fit for armour making!

You're making a halo infinite spartan- mk 7 i presume? That's the same kind I have! It'll be exciting to see this come together
Looks like a sound workstation fit for armour making!

You're making a halo infinite spartan- mk 7 i presume? That's the same kind I have! It'll be exciting to see this come together
Yes! I'm almost done cutting out the pieces so I'll make sure to keep ya'll posted!
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