Halo Infinite Ypsilon Helmet Build


So, for a few months now, I've been working on the Ypsilon helmet from the Halo Wars-themed armor that came out in Infinite. I finished all modeling in Blender and recently started doing full-size prints. I attached some renders I did in Blender, but I'm very happy with how this printed out. I'm going to be working on the helmet post process this week and vacuum for its visor too. I've been renovating my work area, so I haven't been able to take on too many projects, but this was a nice win to have for now.
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I will say this that is one sweeeeeet helmet so far are you going to do the whole armor or just the helmet? either way i cant wait till your finished..
I will say this that is one sweeeeeet helmet so far are you going to do the whole armor or just the helmet? either way i cant wait till your finished..
I hope I can do the armor, but I still have my Mark VI from Reach to finish. Thank you! I'll update this thread once I have the next steps done!
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