Halo ODST OC Build!!

York D029

Hey guys! While im waiting for materials and better things for the commando side project I was working on, me and a friend are making ODST suits!
I have most of the models of mine made, and all the filament I need, but no foam : (
Undecided on which models ill be using, but Im going to be using any that I can and making a neat custom undersuit!

I have a pretty basic plan for my ODST, really excited to start this !
Ill start printing the helmet this weekend, Ill have a lot of time with the eclipse
Definitely halo 3 : ) still looking for some good models that arent like 80 bucks tho, which is probably going to be the Galactic Armory set
MY MAN, GA files all the way.
I'm actually making an odst suit using GA files, the attention is great and I only have 1 complaint, which is just I dont like the way the calf armor is pre sliced
I would highly suggest using their files, and if you don't have a vacuum forming chamber they sell the visors on the shop
MY MAN, GA files all the way.
I'm actually making an odst suit using GA files, the attention is great and I only have 1 complaint, which is just I dont like the way the calf armor is pre sliced
I would highly suggest using their files, and if you don't have a vacuum forming chamber they sell the visors on the shop
yeah no vacuum chambers the whole reason i put the commando suit to the side, so thx ill check that visor out! ill be buying the models, foam, and armor smith as soon as i can. thanks!
Ok this timing is perfect xD
My visor arrived a little bit after I posted that
Lookin sharp if I do say so myself
(You can by unchromed visors so you can dye them to whatever color you want and chrome it yourself btw)
Ok this timing is perfect xD
My visor arrived a little bit after I posted that
Lookin sharp if I do say so myself
(You can by unchromed visors so you can dye them to whatever color you want and chrome it yourself btw)
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That looks so cool! ill definitely be checking that out, i havent decided on a color scheme yet but im sure chrome will work! Thanks!
Paycheck came in so Ill be getting armorsmith and maybe a bit of foam, decided to use moesizzlacs files instead of Galactic Armory because they seem to be on the same level of quality and his are free, printing will probably start this weekend : )
Got my scaling done, looks pretty nice! (thank you to Blaze and all the nice ppl on discord that helped)
I also have the straps and belts I was looking for planned out, only around 100 dollars on amazon!

using a STABO harness and a replica vietnam belt/pouches (which is why theres no ODST belt pieces on the model... yet) im trying to make this kinda look like naked snake from MGS3 x ODST, which I think is going to look really cool!
Starting the helmet print tn!
Good news is! Helmet is done!
Bad news is! Helmet is too small!
This sucks, but its a nice thing to learn from and I can use it for practice on paint and weathering : )
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