Props Halo Reach Battle Rifle Reference Enhancement-Request

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Xtreme TACTICS 101

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Well, I have started my Halo Reach Battle Rifle (Pictures later), and am ready to start detailing it. The only problem is, I need more enhanced HD reference images then the ones below.






Although these are fairly good, I could see more detail in there far easier if the pictures were brighter.

So, here is a quick task for anybody who wishes to help a fellow 405th member out. could somebody please take those images into photoshop, and brighten them up so I can see the images detail a bit better. Something like this one:


I would do this myself, but I do not have photoshop, and even if I did, I do not have even the slightest knowledge of how to use it.

Thanks in advance,


Xtreme TACTICS 101
Kewl... it's awesome to see some people already tackle these builds so soon after the VGA premiere. If your previous layered cardboard prop builds are any indication, this should turn out really good, buddy :cool
Here's my attempt at one of these. Posted both for comparison. If you want me to do the rest just let me know..




Hey guys,

Sorry to break it to you, but I believe the new name for this particular rifle is the 'Designated Marksman's Rifle' (AKA: DMR), It is no longer the BR.

Unless you want to get geeky, where it has in fact always been the DMR until during Halo 2 it was transformed into the BR.

TheHow7zer said:
Hey guys,

Sorry to break it to you, but I believe the new name for this particular rifle is the 'Designated Marksman's Rifle' (AKA: DMR), It is no longer the BR.

Unless you want to get geeky, where it has in fact always been the DMR until during Halo 2 it was transformed into the BR.


Just how do you know that ? I thought the DMR was a average between the Sniper rifle and the BR

The DMR has a single fire capability and can shoot farther then the BR

and yeah I still the DMR is just a new gun Bungie is putting in the game along with the original BR
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