Halo Reach ODST

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OK, so hello everyone. This is my first major build with EVA foam but is a fun and enjoyable project. I decided to do an ODST build since its a good start, and when Andrew DFT uploaded files I decided to take the easy route and use those and his tutorials. I plan on doing changes like a better helmet and adding a lot more detail, but this is my base. Please leave suggestions or feedback as it helps me make my armor better. Anyways, here is my chest, I went a little crazy with the battle damage but ill cover some of it with blackwash. More to come.


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Here is my reference photo, except I'll be adding a little bit more "color" with white.


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I too am using Andrews templates. For the most part I followed them and his instruction. However I took some creative liberties. I added a foam belt to wrap the ab plate around instead of belt strapping it into place. Also instead of slicing the shins and doing the multi level terracing effect he likes to use I kept it a solid and cut the raised pieces out of 5mm foam and attached to the top of the shin (for example). I thought slicing it into thin strips and gluing it back together was too much for the structural integrity of that piece.

Looking forward to your finished piece. Keep your blade sharp!
Haha yes, I got 100 pack of blades for this project. I might do that shin thing, seems way easier

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Shoulders, I'll be filling the seams with clay since there is a gap.


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Ab and back plates, I did these at 3 in the morning so they are rough, but paint will cover the hot glue gun burns haha.


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Finished a shin :D should have heated before cuts. Well time to improvise


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OK so I'm almost done with the foam build, still have to finish the other shin and the thighs. Lastly I'll do the wrists and then the helmet. Painting it a grey and white, blue visor, and adding a lot of stuff like tactical belt, pouches, grenades, pistol, etc. Still lots to do but just wanted to give an update.
Good job on your build, it's coming along nicely! I like your chest plate paint job. I am also working on an ODST build.

Keep up the great work!
OK so I'm almost done with the foam build, still have to finish the other shin and the thighs. Lastly I'll do the wrists and then the helmet. Painting it a grey and white, blue visor, and adding a lot of stuff like tactical belt, pouches, grenades, pistol, etc. Still lots to do but just wanted to give an update.

From your right shoulder it looks like the blade is dragging slightly or you're sawing through the beveled edges. If you're sawing with a craft knife it might be time to look into getting a longer one or setting up cutting blocks to reach a consistent angle along the length of the armour piece.

Other than that one spot the armour is looking pretty rad and well done.
From your right shoulder it looks like the blade is dragging slightly or you're sawing through the beveled edges. If you're sawing with a craft knife it might be time to look into getting a longer one or setting up cutting blocks to reach a consistent angle along the length of the armour piece.

Other than that one spot the armour is looking pretty rad and well done.
Yeah, I had trouble beveling but after a few practice cuts I think I got it. I should have practiced before doing it but we all learn from mistakes.
the right shoulder bevel cut can be cleaned up some by using sandpaper. Step them down like (i don't remember the grits, but something like 60, 80, 120) it will smooth that out, if you want. Everything is looking great!
Do you guys have any suggestions on cutting straighter? My shin cuts in the middle lines seem a little curvey.
Do you guys have any suggestions on cutting straighter? My shin cuts in the middle lines seem a little curvey.

If you have a straight edge of some sort, or a metal ruler, use that. It helps keep your line straight and your cut angle square since you're not sliding left and right to follow a line drawn on the foam.

For most of my armour it was just loosey-goosey cutting without a straight edge and nothing matched up well. For my pistol every cut that wasn't curved I used a ruler and boy did it help. Everything looks cleaner and you save on glue and filler because everything ends up being flush.
I use a clear plastic ruler, I use it for almost every cut. It's extremely useful. Would definitely recommend a ruler of any kind over a pokémon-card.
Also, for using sandpaper, start off by using 100 or 120 grit. 80 grit can rip up the foam and make it look bad.
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