Props Halo: Reach Security Helmet


Well-Known Member
A while back I asked my Stepbrother if he ever wanted me to print him something. He asked for his all-time favorite helmet, from Halo 3: the Security Helmet.

I searched around but found pretty much nothing available other than some low-res versions. From what I could tell at the time, no one had successfully made it to the accuracy of Halo 3, but in real-life detail. If you've ever looked at the in-game files, they are very low resolution, and almost any detail is texture-based. Even with the textures as a guide, the resolution of those are so low that it's questionable if things were embedded or extruded if lines were black paint or a crease, and a whole bunch of other issues.

With the help of reference photos from the community, such as NobleofDeath16 's Reference Thread, the official game files, officially-released information, and even old-school references from Marathon (where Security's design stems from), I've created what I believe to be the most accurate security helmet available.

Thank you
A special thank you to MoeSizzlac 's and his epic modeling skills to help with where I was stuck modeling, and to everyone who answered questions on Discord.

FREE Download
Before anyone asks; I'm probably not going to build a full suit, because my 3D modeling skills are very rusty and this already took weeks just for the helmet.

I'm going to be printing this before the end of the year, and if anyone's interested in giving it their own go, here's the file for free! (I'll probably be throwing it on Etsy as well once I can ensure it's good to print, in case anyone wants to support me: no obligation)
DOWNLOAD LINK (keep in mind that this file has not been test-printed. There are many things that could be wrong with it. This link will be updated if any fixes are needed)

Original In-Game File

New and Improved Version






Keep an eye on the thread for updates on the printing which will likely start this October. Feel free to post your own here! I want to see what you do with them.
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