Halo Wars 2 Marine


New Member
Seeing the armory of the forum I realized that I never saw any file referring to halo wars 2, and recently I had the opportunity to extract some models among them the models of the red team, the odst and of course, the marines

Being these are one of my most beloved characters for their charisma and design, I decided to bring their model to be able to unfold it

Look for references on the internet of how the rendering was in the game and the high poly model to be able to bring a foam file faithful to the game and the peculiar design of these marines, which is a combination between the design of halo 4 and halo 2 anniversary

Here is a comparison of the model in the game and the file I worked with, and without further ado, I also attach the files

Additionally, I know that in the cutscenes you can see the models made by blur and that they are also used in Halo 2 Anniversary, and I love the Halo 2 Anniversary designs, so yes, I'm also working on the models in the game.


  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-Boot armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    7 MB · Views: 45
  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-Butt armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    121.5 KB · Views: 35
  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-forearm armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    160 KB · Views: 37
  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-Kneepad-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    59.6 KB · Views: 48
  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-Shin armor-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    89.8 KB · Views: 40
  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-shoulder-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    93.9 KB · Views: 43
  • Halo Wars 2-Marine-Torso-Foam-Unfold.pdo
    384.8 KB · Views: 44

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