Hand plate sizing


New Member
I've printed a few hand plates to work on and im at the point where i want print it to size, wondering if anyone could show me size references so I can get an idea of how big it should be on my hand. Thanks in Advance!
Different suits have vastly different portrayals of hand backs. Some are shown just over the bones of the hand while others clearly show big angled side plates. We have no idea what suit you're doing in order to chime in. But what do you see when you look at game captures or the examples from the modeler etc.

This MK-V for example is a lot different than a Spartan MK-VI


Me personally - I don't want them so big they are a problem when I reach into a pouch etc. to grab my wallet, keys etc.
Thank you! Yeah it's definitely something to thing about with being able to do stuff with my hand, im doing the Halo 3 CQB armor, sorry it slipped my mind to even mention it.

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