Heavy infantry Mando sintra build. Finally happy with it.

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Any plans for a flightsuit?
Under that is a boiler suit I had from an old job I used to do. Then just a black long sleeves shirt under that, and something for a neck seal. I'll figure out that when I get to it. Right now I'm trying to work out the boots. I can't get the boots to either stay together or look good.
Are you trying to so the mando heavy toe armor thing? Can ya upload a pic of it
Under that is a boiler suit I had from an old job I used to do. Then just a black long sleeves shirt under that, and something for a neck seal. I'll figure out that when I get to it. Right now I'm trying to work out the boots. I can't get the boots to either stay together or look good.
I found a long-necked black balaclava works great for a basic neck seal, especially if the helmet sits close to the shoulders. I carry a warm weather one and a cold weather one in my kit bag when I travel
Wow, you crazy bastard actually did it, you used sintra! So the boiler is grey and everything else is black then, clean look
Wow, you crazy bastard actually did it, you used sintra! So the boiler is grey and everything else is black then, clean look
Yeah. I may just use another garment that sort of provides a "neck seal" don't know about that yet tho. And thank you. That shape was HARD to get in sintra. (Talking about that boot) and even then, I'm not sure how it's gonna hold up to wear.
I have an idea for holding the seams together on the inside of your boot, I used Shoe Goo on my foam armor and that held the seam even today, and that was 4 years ago even did a back flip and some dirt slides
I have an idea for holding the seams together on the inside of your boot, I used Shoe Goo on my foam armor and that held the seam even today, and that was 4 years ago even did a back flip and some dirt slides
Interesting. I have some E6000 lying around. What I also did was used some other pieces of sintra on the inside as "brackets" so the super glue had more space to hold on to.
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