Help! (MC Halo infinite)


New Member
I am trying to make my first halo cosplay and I need help 3D printing the pieces, I have the files and everything but I was just wondering if someone could help me get them done, I don't need any finishing just the actual printing. I'd pay of course!
While it's not rare for 405th members to help print things for each other, typically one only does so for someone they know. The forums are mostly used for teaching folks how to build their suit, leaving the actual building up to you. You mention you need help getting your pieces done, so it sounds like you already have a printer. It is totally possible to make an entire suit or armour with one printer! Even a small one like the ender 3. There are lots of us on here that would be glad to offer help in the form of advice to get that printer of yours up and running!
While it's not rare for 405th members to help print things for each other, typically one only does so for someone they know. The forums are mostly used for teaching folks how to build their suit, leaving the actual building up to you. You mention you need help getting your pieces done, so it sounds like you already have a printer. It is totally possible to make an entire suit or armour with one printer! Even a small one like the ender 3. There are lots of us on here that would be glad to offer help in the form of advice to get that printer of yours up and running!

well honestly, I’ll be able to get it done in the little time frame I have laid out but I just figured it doesn’t hurt to have options, my printers are having trouble with bed adhesion the most while my prusa mk3s is having trouble keeping calibrated
What suit are you planning to make? And what's the timeline? It's always best to set aside more time that you think you need, especially for a first suit (I assume it's your first suit as you're new here, though I could be wrong haha). Besides the prusa mk3s what printers do you have? And do you have any pictures of what's happening to the print when you get adhesion issues?
What suit are you planning to make? And what's the timeline? It's always best to set aside more time that you think you need, especially for a first suit (I assume it's your first suit as you're new here, though I could be wrong haha). Besides the prusa mk3s what printers do you have? And do you have any pictures of what's happening to the print when you get adhesion issues?
I’m planning on making the one in the attached photo, I’ve made stuff before in the past but not a full suit of armor, it’s almost a bucket list thing and I know I’m limiting myself but I’m wanting to be done with it by mid to late August so I can bring it to a con in September (pretty soon, I know). I have the prusa then an ender 5 plus. I haven’t taken a picture yet but once I let my prusa run a little bit more and see if what I did yesterday fixes anything.


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I hope you are able to get those printers up and running!

As for the timeline, that's reasonable. It may be a bit tight, but if you work on the suit regularly it is certainly doable. I made my suit in 4 months, for example. Although, it's foam, so the timelines may not be comparable.

There are a few other members who have made Chief's halo infinite armour! You may find their build threads helpful for your build:
I hope you are able to get those printers up and running!

As for the timeline, that's reasonable. It may be a bit tight, but if you work on the suit regularly it is certainly doable. I made my suit in 4 months, for example. Although, it's foam, so the timelines may not be comparable.

There are a few other members who have made Chief's halo infinite armour! You may find their build threads helpful for your build:
I thought about doing foam but I have ZERO experience with it so I didn’t feel like jumping into the deep end, I will be documenting the build process once more pieces are done, luckily my ender 5 plus is so large I COULDVE done the whole helmet in one print but I didn’t want to risk a 5 day print messing up 3 days in so I broke it up
Sorry to hijack this thread, on the subject of smaller printers - is there anywhere you know of already on the forums where someone has broken down the Helmet to fit smaller printers? I'm looking to use Moe's Silver Team set Halo Infinite/Live TV Series Armor - Silver Team Vannak, Kai, Riz, and Master Chief - Season 1 by moesizzlac

I'm not sure if there's a "common" or "recommended" way of splitting these files up for optimal printing. Failing that, I'll spin up a new thread and request some advice there, thank you!
Sorry to hijack this thread, on the subject of smaller printers - is there anywhere you know of already on the forums where someone has broken down the Helmet to fit smaller printers? I'm looking to use Moe's Silver Team set Halo Infinite/Live TV Series Armor - Silver Team Vannak, Kai, Riz, and Master Chief - Season 1 by moesizzlac

I'm not sure if there's a "common" or "recommended" way of splitting these files up for optimal printing. Failing that, I'll spin up a new thread and request some advice there, thank you!
I don't know of a already broken down file. It's not hard at all to split it yourself though! I use a program called Windows 3D builder. If it isn't already on your machine, you can download it for free form the microsoft store. It's super easy to use and allows you to split an STL however you please. Other members use meshmixer which has been around for a bit longer, but does the same thing. The "optimal" way of splitting the file really is up to you and how you want to print it. Personally, I just use plane cuts in the places the cause me to use less support. If you want to be fancy about it you can use a program like blender to do more intricate cuts along natural seams in the helmet to make it even easier to put together. For most application through, plane cuts work just fine. And they're super easy to do!
Sorry to hijack this thread, on the subject of smaller printers - is there anywhere you know of already on the forums where someone has broken down the Helmet to fit smaller printers? I'm looking to use Moe's Silver Team set Halo Infinite/Live TV Series Armor - Silver Team Vannak, Kai, Riz, and Master Chief - Season 1 by moesizzlac

I'm not sure if there's a "common" or "recommended" way of splitting these files up for optimal printing. Failing that, I'll spin up a new thread and request some advice there, thank you!
Sorry for the long response time! I currently have majority of my helmet done! With printing my helmet I used prusa slicer’s built in cut feature to slice the single helmet file into 4 pieces, which I then put the front sections of the helmet on my ender which has a taller print area, and the back half pieces on my prusa which has a smaller build plate and it worked very well, but you can always just cut the models up further
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