Help with mould-making and rubber casting


AKA Con Crunch leads to bad decisions...

Anybody have experience with casting urethane rubber and mould making? I want to make moulds of my 3D printed Halo 3 ODST armour, but I'm not sure how to go about it for some of the parts, especially the knees. Should I do a two-part mould or a glove mould? For reference, I'm using FromTheBrink's files.
Hey SamuelHan,

Before you get too far down this path. Is Jonathan (FromTheBrink) ok with you making molds of parts printed from his files?
Hey SamuelHan,

Before you get too far down this path. Is Jonathan (FromTheBrink) ok with you making molds of parts printed from his files?
Thanks for bringing that up, didn't even think about that. I'll double-check with him, hopefully it won't be an issue since it's only for personal use.
This sounds like a cool project! OffEarth3D, VultureProductions and the others from November Black have definitely posted before of their materials and to my knowledge have answered others questions about mold making. It may be worth a shot reaching out to them for information on the process.
This sounds like a cool project! OffEarth3D, VultureProductions and the others from November Black have definitely posted before of their materials and to my knowledge have answered others questions about mold making. It may be worth a shot reaching out to them for information on the process.
I follow both of them on Insta, I can shoot them a DM and see what they're willing to divulge. OffEarth3D's Youtube's been pretty helpful so far.
You might take a look at some of the Batman re-creationist and their related pages/forums. Molds and rubber casts is pretty much their bread & butter for Batman cowls, neck, chest and gloves.
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