Well Firstly welcome to the hobby! (I'm gonna say this and I mean it respectfully because I don't want to assume your age) I'd recommend getting a job if feasible that will get you not only saving money but being able to aquire more faster. If this isn't feasible than here are some things I recommend in general as I use the foam method myself:
1) don't feel pressured to by name brand
Plenty of amazing cosplays have been made on budget tools. The tool doesn't make the maker...practice and skill does.
2) make a tools list
Look for what you need and price everything out so that you have a tangible goal as opposed to something nebulous
3) look to local hardware and large box stores for materials such as EVA foam. Try to find the best bang for your buck
4) buy local when possible
Yes you can get that amazing tool on Amazon but a tool that could work just as well will be cheaper nearer to you
5) definitely raid the 405th for files to use on foam and reach out to others in your area who also cosplay. Just because we specialize in Halo here there's no telling what knowledge you can get from many other makers/cosplayers
Perfection and comparison is the thief of joy. Take your time to learn the techniques and master them at your pace
7) start small.
Choose one piece of armor and make your character a piece at a time. It's a marathon not a race...don't fall into crunch culture it's not good for you.
8) here are some makers who do amazing tutorials on YouTube I used when I was getting started to learn:
Hello, I'm Odin Abbott and I have been creating props on a budget for over 25 years. Now I'm here to share some of my ideas with you. If you want to make custom props from your favorite movies, games, and other entertainment, watch some of my videos, it's like a cooking show- for props! New...
I'm the Evil Ted who makes props and costumes. I’ve worked on Star Trek Into Darkness, Walking Dead, Fifth Element and Guyver, among lots of others. I've made pretty much everything out of every material, but foam is my favorite. I'm here to share my skills and shortcuts, and help you learn how...
Hello! We're Bill & Brittany Doran from Seattle Washington. We build high end replica props and costume from some of your favorite video games, TV shows, movies and more! Follow along with us in our detailed tutorial videos so that you can learn the craft with us! Punished Props Mission...
Adam Savage’s Tested is a content platform and community playground for makers and curious minds. On Tested.com, the highly- engaged Tested YouTube channel, and at conventions and events, dynamic makers share ideas and inspire each other to build their obsessions. Led by Adam Savage, the Tested...
I by no means am the sole or any kind of expert but the folks above were a big influence on my learning curve. All of our creators here have their own story and techniques so you did amazing by reaching out here. I'm so excited to see what you make! If you aren't already join the discord and feel free to reach out to me directly if you have more questions!