heroes workshop odst armor

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Jr Member
as anyone made the heroes workshop odst armor and do you have tips for me cause im thinking about making it for next year's Halloween party.
The Heroes' Workshop ODST files are pretty much the same as the free templates located here in the The Armory, just with a slightly different unfold:
The Heroes' Workshop ODST files are pretty much the same as the free templates located here in the The Armory, just with a slightly different unfold:
could i use the scaling for the free odst helmet heroes workshop for this armor and is there a noob simply version
the ones like heroes workshop are there how to guilds
Do you mean if there are video tutorials on how to assemble the armour? Yes there are. Andrew DFT has a whole video series on his YouTube channel on how he built his armour.
Do you mean if there are video tutorials on how to assemble the armour? Yes there are. Andrew DFT has a whole video series on his YouTube channel on how he built his armour.
the ones you sent me a link to
and is the bottom part of the boot needed
ps i looked at the files and i think i maybe able to make them
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The Heroes' Workshop ODST files are pretty much the same as the free templates located here in the The Armory, just with a slightly different unfold:
i cant get the side chest piece to open
The Heroes' Workshop ODST files are pretty much the same as the free templates located here in the The Armory, just with a slightly different unfold:
the torso side foam isnt opening and the chest front piece is MIA for foam and 8mm thick foam
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So, Mechace13 I am going to be very Blunt here, again, for a moment, the vast majority of your posts are still coming across very poorly and very unpolite. A lot of members have gone out of their way to help you, answer questions, and offer advice, and you continue to show no gratitude toward other members, only make more posts that honestly read like demands, not questions.

The 405th is a Community, not a Search Engine. We are also a Text Based medium, all other members have to go on is what you type and how you word it. This is not the Discord, where the immediacy of responses might lend itself to brevity nor Google where an answer just comes out automated. Behind every avatar here is another passionate Fan, who has their own life going on, who is generously taking time out of their day to respond to you. Some better internet-etiquette, politeness, and some respect might ensure you continue to get the advice and assistance you are seeking.

As for your issues with our free files in the Armory, firstly they are free, and generously donated by Members of this Community for the better of all other members and potential members. The files in the Armory are the fruits of the labor of many dedicated Volunteers who just want to help other people who want to make Halo costumes. As such, since these are the works of those Volunteers who are willing to freely give away their files and unfolds, Yes there might be some holes in our collections, some missing pieces or unfolds because the small community of those members willing to put in the time and effort to do these free unfolds is only human and the amount of possible Halo armor costume pieces and props to unfold, both in Pep and Foam is a staggering task. An enormous amount of files coupled to a small community of free unfolders means that some times it can take awhile to get around to things.

As for your specific issues with our free files:
-I can get the side pieces to open just fine, I can only assume it is an error on your part.
-As I mentioned above, the community of free unfolders is small and due to its simplistic construction of the chest piece, most members simply use the the standard pep file for the chest, halo-3-odst-unsc-odst-chest-armor.pdo, as the basis for their Foam construction, and so those free unfolders did not dedicate the time to making a specific "Foam" unfold of the chest piece when the standard pep piece would do and chose instead to focus their Foam unfold efforts on other pieces.

Now, seeing your behavior on these forums in multiple threads, I am sure this will not be good enough for you and you will demand a Foam specific unfold of the ODST chest, instead of simply putting in the time and effort like many others have done to use the standard pep Chest file and modify it ever so slightly for Foam.

All I will say is that if you truly find the quality of our free templates so poor, then you are more than welcome to pay Hero's Workshop or another unfolder for the Files, I was just trying to save you some money.
We're all trying to help you out as best we can. DFT files are very simplified, so they should be easy to follow along with to build. As for scaling I haven't looked at those files in a long time (read years), but if I recall, they're pdfs, so scaling is a little challenging.

I used the armory files for mine and just recently redid the upper chest plate. I'll attach the unfold I did for myself. It's split up into the first 2 pages are the necessary parts, and the last page is all optional pieces that add more depth but are in no way required for foam.

Here are some photos of what my chest piece looks like currently:
2021-07-12 09.55.10.jpg 2021-10-18 09.45.23.jpg 2021-10-18 09.46.10.jpg
L to R: assembled, "complete", top side to show depth created by additional pieces
Reality is that even with the most game accurate templates there's going to be some customization and trial and error to figure out what works for you. You just need to dive in and try it. We all start somewhere, but if you never start you'll never improve. All the planning in the world won't help unless you actually build it. Even better, as you learn and grow you can replace pieces and make them better. There's no shame in rebuilding a part or even the entire suit. That's what we're all here for, to learn, have fun, and build things.


  • halo-3-odst-unsc-odst-chest-upper-foam.pdo
    627.3 KB · Views: 159
as anyone made the heroes workshop odst armor and do you have tips for me cause im thinking about making it for next year's Halloween party.

I've made both a DFT ODST and an ODST based off the armory files. Like Cadet said you can use the Heroes Workshop ODST but you could also use the files in the armory. It's a great experience for learning how to work with pepakura and modifying your own files (it will be needed at some point in your cosplay lifetime). I did not scale my armory files and will say they are scaled to someone around 5' 10."
I'd recommend looking at a few Youtube videos on how to scale pepakura armor either using pepakura or armorsmith designer (a very useful program).
I've made both a DFT ODST and an ODST based off the armory files. Like Cadet said you can use the Heroes Workshop ODST but you could also use the files in the armory. It's a great experience for learning how to work with pepakura and modifying your own files (it will be needed at some point in your cosplay lifetime). I did not scale my armory files and will say they are scaled to someone around 5' 10."
I'd recommend looking at a few Youtube videos on how to scale pepakura armor either using pepakura or armorsmith designer (a very useful program).
DFT odst armor what is that and is armorsmith free
DFT odst armor what is that and is armorsmith free
Like Spiderboy said. Also going back to what Cadet said please word it a bit nicer (If english isn't your first language I understand however). Can't say I'm too pleased to play Google, we have well uh... Google for that.
Happy to answer what questions you do have after doing some research however!
We're all trying to help you out as best we can. DFT files are very simplified, so they should be easy to follow along with to build. As for scaling I haven't looked at those files in a long time (read years), but if I recall, they're pdfs, so scaling is a little challenging.

I used the armory files for mine and just recently redid the upper chest plate. I'll attach the unfold I did for myself. It's split up into the first 2 pages are the necessary parts, and the last page is all optional pieces that add more depth but are in no way required for foam.

Here are some photos of what my chest piece looks like currently:
View attachment 310816 View attachment 310814 View attachment 310815
L to R: assembled, "complete", top side to show depth created by additional pieces
Reality is that even with the most game accurate templates there's going to be some customization and trial and error to figure out what works for you. You just need to dive in and try it. We all start somewhere, but if you never start you'll never improve. All the planning in the world won't help unless you actually build it. Even better, as you learn and grow you can replace pieces and make them better. There's no shame in rebuilding a part or even the entire suit. That's what we're all here for, to learn, have fun, and build things.
could this be used for foam and if yes then thats one of two problems fixed
but i have a running plan with a cost of $30
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could this be used for foam and if yes then thats one of two problems fixed
Yes. Armorsmith can be used for pdo, ado, obj, stl and other file types all as listed on the front page of the Armorsmith website as others have pointed out to you. In case you have missed the link it is here.

As Cadet as pointed out earlier today I highly recommend that you consider the tone that you use on the forum. At best it currently appears that you're using this as a search engine with complete disregard for how others feel and in the case of the forum, offer their time, experience and expertise to assist you. The 405th is a great wealth of information but if you continue to participate in the way that you do I expect the good will of others may dry up as they become frustrated by being used as nothing more than a quick search.
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