How do I attach pouches to my armor?


New Member
Hi, I just recently finished my first real Halo cosplay as a UNSC marine, but I'm looking to upgrade it and was wondering if it would be possible to affix this pouch to the chest plate without severely altering either? (The velcro on the inside will likely be removed in the future). Thanks.


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Maybe a strap that goes around to the back and is held on with something? Velcro, a button and loop of string, or some other fastening?
What I would do is get some adhesive backed Velcro and cut the soft side to the size of the gray slot that you have on your chest piece and adhere it in the slot. Then, I would run the hook side through the strap on your pouch next to the quick clip that runs through it now. I would also put the soft side of the Velcro in both slots so it looks even if you decide to not use the pouch in the future.
> without severely altering either

"Severely" might be in the eye of the beholder.
If you cut some slits through the chest at proper MOLLE spacing and fed in webbing you could make it MOLLE compatible for that pouch or any future pouch/gear you want to trade out.
To attach a pouch to my chest armour, i made a slit inbetween joints, fed a thin fabric belt through and used a safety pin to attach the pouch to the fabric. under my chest armour i used velcro to hold it to my chest plate.
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