How to change scale in Pepakura


New Member
Hey all,
I'm new to the prop building community. I'm currently feeling ambitious and starting strong with the halo infinite mark VII armor, only problem is, my shins are awkward. I'm looking to scale the x,y and z axis a little different from each other. I have the scaling right in armorsmith, but can't seem to change them in Pepakura and I'm unsure of how to fix this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)
if you have the armor scaled in armor smith the way you want it all you should have to do is export it and the model should stay they way you did it in armor smith. unless i am miss understanding you.
if you have the armor scaled in armor smith the way you want it all you should have to do is export it and the model should stay they way you did it in armor smith. unless i am miss understanding you.
Thank you so much for the reply!!
When I scale the shin piece in armorsmith, the x, y and z axis are all slightly different. When I go to scale it in Pepakura, it won't allow me to change the axis independently of one another. When you change one, they all change.
I'm wondering is there any way of changing the axis independently or will I have to keep all sides uniform?
Thank you
Thank you so much for the reply!!
When I scale the shin piece in armorsmith, the x, y and z axis are all slightly different. When I go to scale it in Pepakura, it won't allow me to change the axis independently of one another. When you change one, they all change.
I'm wondering is there any way of changing the axis independently or will I have to keep all sides uniform?
Thank you
pepakura you are correct if you change one they all change, im not sure my self if there is a way to correct that i will ask around and see if i can get an answer for you...
Pepakura does not allow for Non-Uniform scaling, it's locked so changing one dimension automatically changes the others to match.

As you have found you can do non-uniform scaling in ArmorSmith, but doing so resets the lay out of the pieces. You should be able to rearrange the layout and print the patterns directly from ArmorSmith, or save and export the PDO and open with Pep and rearrange the parts in the 2D menu to fit the paper a d then print.

Here is another thread with some links about someone having to non-uniform scale their ODST forearms for Foam.


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