I odnt know how i can get the 3D look?


New Member
the parts of my Forearm dont fit rigth and i dont realy know why but now i have alle the parts and if i glue them together it dose not look very good because i would be one monotone pice and i dont know how to fix this so can somone help me?


  • MKIV_ForearmLeft_by_Jerverant - Pepakura Designer 5 10.11.2024 20_25_01.png
    MKIV_ForearmLeft_by_Jerverant - Pepakura Designer 5 10.11.2024 20_25_01.png
    98.8 KB · Views: 49
Hello there! We would love to help you with your problem, can you please be more in-depth about your issue like; what material are you using, are you beveling, using a heat gun, etc.
Thank you.
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the parts of my Forearm dont fit rigth and i dont realy know why but now i have alle the parts and if i glue them together it dose not look very good because i would be one monotone pice and i dont know how to fix this so can somone help me?
The display should rotate if you click and move on it, the prom is naturally generating a 3d image. Some pieces need to be mirrored when tracing pieces which is why there’s only one of some pieces
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Hello there! We would love to help you with your problem, can you please be more in-depth about your issue like; what material are you using, are you beveling, using a heat gun, etc.
Thank you.
oh sorry, i am jusing Foam I wanted to glue the parts together but I saw that the parts didn't fit together. Then I saw that the parts all had such a distance that gave this multi-layered effect, but I couldn't find any parts in the file that had the normal parts with this So the problem is that I don't understand how I'm supposed to glue the parts together because somehow the intermediate parts are missing or so that the arm protection is multi-layered like you see in the picture (I hope you understand it can I had to translate it)
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i usually make the parts out of paper first and tape them together using masking tape, then i can use different combined pieces as 1 larger foam piece. You also have to know how to make the angles fit together. I also used contact glue as this works best. Alot of foam building you have to learn on the go and sort of make some educated guesses with it when building.
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