I think i missed something when doing my research :(

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Ok, so I've been finishing up my pieces and am in the smoothing phase before doing a mold and have been using bondo (if what I just heard is correct I bet some of you are cringing). I was just watching some videos ithica dud and he mentions the using bondo is a bad thing if your molding and to only use it if your using that actually piece. Did I misunderstand him or did I miss something in my research. Please those of you who have molded before, I bow to your wisdom
I would think a primer and a slick gloss paint over the bondo'd item would make it easier to release from the mold. I would think bondo alone is a bit porous on its own..
Thanks guys I really appreciate your advise. Now if you've seen my odst whip you'll see I have a few things bondo'd and my helmet 1/8th the way bondo'd, do you think it would be a bad idea to finish the helmet in clay? I wonder if it's just easier to work with then bondo after I saw him working on the busa helmet and it just made it look like it was easier to maintain shape and detail; comments?
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