I'm Done.

Yeeeeah, I'm done. Love you all. Those of you who know me know where to find me ✌️

Art, I think your intentions were good but christ... bad call man.
Sorry to see you go CrimsonViper97 and I have been where you are. I know a lot of tempers are really high right now especially when it comes to Art's decisions.

But at the end of the day, I think a lot of people have forgotten that the 405th is an investment by Art and the companies/groups he represents. and bad-mouthing to him directly (my speculation) is a great way to get kicked out.

the days of the "community" operating the 405th have long since passed when Adam passed the torch.

These two longstanding members are not the first to receive the boot. and I am sure they won't be the last.

There are bigger battles and more important hills to stand on in life than having beef with some guy who runs a forum on the internet.

I hope you aren't gone forever. (like my leave of absence) but only time can tell that story.

Good luck to you!
Yeeeeah, I'm done. Love you all. Those of you who know me know where to find me ✌️

Art, I think your intentions were good but christ... bad call man.
It sucks to see so many great people leave due to one idiot's decision. Hit me up if you're down this way, and reverse if I come up to the land of corn.

Always down for Crimson Crafting Hour any day.
Sorry to see you go CrimsonViper97 and I have been where you are. I know a lot of tempers are really high right now especially when it comes to Art's decisions.

But at the end of the day, I think a lot of people have forgotten that the 405th is an investment by Art and the companies/groups he represents. and bad-mouthing to him directly (my speculation) is a great way to get kicked out.

the days of the "community" operating the 405th have long since passed when Adam passed the torch.

These two longstanding members are not the first to receive the boot. and I am sure they won't be the last.

There are bigger battles and more important hills to stand on in life than having beef with some guy who runs a forum on the internet.

I hope you aren't gone forever. (like my leave of absence) but only time can tell that story.

Good luck to you!

Also, wrote a whole lot more but I'll keep this simple:

The community still runs the 405th. Anyone who believes otherwise, fails to understand the fundamental value of this organization.
i'll miss you and your glorious mustache, hope to see you again some day, i'll probably have questions for you on the infinite marine in the near future <3
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