I'm petty shore I don't belong here?


New Member
As you read the title I'm really shore I don't belong well I like halo and I've found a few few rvb Easter eggs on sparten ops in Halo 4 but as I said thy I'm shore as I said.
As you read the title I'm really shore I don't belong well I like halo and I've found a few few rvb Easter eggs on sparten ops in Halo 4 but as I said thy I'm shore as I said.
everyone is welcome here! no one is excluded! liking halo is the one thing we all just have in common! The great thing about this community is you don't even need a suit of armor!
As you read the title I'm really shore I don't belong well I like halo and I've found a few few rvb Easter eggs on sparten ops in Halo 4 but as I said thy I'm shore as I said.
I have a a sparten but I'm trying to get a clear picture in my head but I can't
Depending on what mark you’re thinking of, there’s a program or two that lets you build and customize your own Spartan. Like Vanity for halo reach. Might be something to look into to get some visuals to play around with
Depending on what mark you’re thinking of, there’s a program or two that lets you build and customize your own Spartan. Like Vanity for halo reach. Might be something to look into to get some visuals to play around with
Is Vanity still available? Everything I am finding are dead links.
Is Vanity still available? Everything I am finding are dead links.
Don’t ask me how because I honestly can’t remember, but I somehow managed to download it very recently. So all I can say is there’s a working link out there somewhere
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