Improved ODST armor

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mr happy

Jr Member
Sean Bradleys armor kit i got in the first run. Its almost done but its good enough fo Reach launch. I made my own for ODST bbut it was pretty hard for me so i bought a kit and put it together. I took me since April since i had to resize it to fit properly but now its finally done (except for the thighs and boot caps). what do you guys thing?





My paintball assault rifle that has functioning ammo counter



Looks great there bro, But I would strongly recommend building yourself some thigh pieces so you can help disguise your "freshman Body"
Its Seans kit and ya its vac formed. I have The thigh but they wont be ready for tomorrow so im going to finish everything after the release and isnt thermal underwear also tight?
Wow. Finally a parctical use for that ODST codpiece. I am grateful. LOL
That paintball gun is excellent.
chest plate seems a bit big., other then that looks great
ya it is big but i had to scale it down and if i went any further i'd make it look weird since the center piece would be really small.
ya it is big but i had to scale it down and if i went any further i'd make it look weird since the center piece would be really small.

I think you got the scale right on the chest piece. A lot of people under-size the rest of their armor, you just have to look at the armor parts in relation to your helmet size.

Nice paint job :)
Reach release pictures. I put on my suit and got my game at midnight. It was pretty cool since everyone started clapping and i got some free stuff (jun helmet and awesome poster.)



does anyone else have any pictures from reach release even though its kind of late?
The armor looks pretty sweet and the paint job looks great. As for the under suit I would recommend some thing heavier and maybe slightly baggy. This would greatly help with the proportion issue. I ended up picked up some black Dickies pants and they look great. They were only meant for the launch be I might actually keep them.

Oh and there are a few pics from launch in my ODST WIP thread.
Awesome! The armor looks great! Could you post some pictures of the jun helmet? It would boost my progress on mine:D!
I think it looks pretty good, once the thigh armor is done, people should stop messing with you about your legs. Can't promise that though.
Nice, for a straight-up Sean Bradley kit.

I wanna say, if you wanna do a good underpant, Polypropylene thermal underwear works wonders. Expensive, but it's not too skin-tight, while remaining somewhat form-fitting. Also, it's slightly flame retardant and really comfortable for hours-long use.
And it doesn't get that reddish look, but you can't dry it in a dryer.

In any case, dig the paintjob. I do think you could've scaled down the wings of the chest plate a bit more, and cut some height, too, but that's about it.

Note of preference: I don't see why everyone loves the dark red visor. ODSTs wear blue visors. 0_0 Got any insight, man? What draws you to the red?
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