In Memoriam of Strider (Sierra 107)


Sr Member
Member DIN
Strider was a longstanding member of the 405th who stood for community and integrity of everyone involved. He helped build up both the Australian costuming community and the 405th through more than a decade with us holding positions in Division and Regiment Staff where he helped make us all better, maybe when your @ tag comes live elsewhere we can work again on something great together. I'll miss you brother.


Sierra 107 (2012-2024)​

See you planetside <3
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Another one bites the dust… I didn’t know him either nor talked to him much as it seems but I believe I did talk to him a bit. And from who he was he was a great guy. It’s a shame that these bans are happening and I hope they can all continue cosplaying. I hope that if we can keep these threads in recent tab then more people can see the complete abuse of power happening here… We will miss you Sierra 107
They took out Strider??!! What has this place come to... What did he even do..?
Suspicion is that it's probably another case of someone not following the "brand integrity" line. But we'll never know for sure. Instead we'll be told it was something else (maybe targeted harassment?), if we're even told at all.

This distressing news worries me greatly. :confused:
Same. I feel like this isn't over yet. Sadly I suspect we're probably going to see at least one or two more sacrificed.

As for Sierra 107, I didn't know him very well at all. But hearing others speak of him made me would have liked to know him.
Strider was a longstanding member of the 405th who stood for community and integrity of everyone involved. He helped build up both the Australian costuming community and the 405th through more than a decade with us holding positions in Division and Regiment Staff where he helped make us all better, maybe when your @ tag comes live elsewhere we can work again on something great together. I'll miss you brother.

I see the guessing and speculation has begun. So I'll just ask plainly...
Do we even know if he was 'fired' or quit of his own accord as a matter of following his principles? And either way that coin falls, do we know the reasoning or final straw that broke the camel's back?
I see the guessing and speculation has begun. So I'll just ask plainly...
Do we even know if he was 'fired' or quit of his own accord as a matter of following his principles? And either way that coin falls, do we know the reasoning or final straw that broke the camel's back?
He was banned. He was removed from the 405th, probably by Art but I cannot confirm that. No reason was given for his banning, which is an issue, because there is supposed to be a hearing before anyone is banned, and I happen to know that didn't happen. Mind you, this is not speculation, I have seen the message informing of the ban.
We're now 2/2 for unauthorized bans going against article VII of The Mantle.
A formal hearing on the 405th forum is necessary for a ban and the resolution is able to be appealed within 30 days.
With the ban being immediate and without being done through the proper channels it seems as though they've lost their right to appeal as well.

I feel as though it's also necessary to add, look at the dates of his membership. Apparently over a decade in this community meant nothing
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