First Name: Mica!
Profession? Student?: Call Center representative for a major ISP. Formerly tech support for an industrial 3D printer manufacturer.
Age: 30
Favorite Hobby: Making cool stuff. Costumes, electronics, etc. Making electronic music.
Favorite part of Halo: The story. Bungie and 343 have made an amazing universe you can get wrapped up in for a lifetime.
Favorite Halo: Halo 2. It holds a special place for me; I waited outside Blockbuster Video for my copy on launch day.
Favorite Video Game: Come on, really? Halo 2.
Other Interests: 3D printing, music production, technology, soldering, RFID hacking (I have 3 RFID implants, two in one hand one in the other)
Favorite Food: Broccoli or Mangos. one of the two.
Favorite Band: It's a toss-up between Kraftwerk and Halley Labs (Lapfox Trax / Emma Essex)
Favorite Movie(s): The Matrix, The Iron Giant, Short Circuit, Everything Everywhere All At Once.
What do you hope to learn here?: Methods for building/finishing/painting/attaching 3D Printed halo armor.
Have you built/made a costume before?: A few. nothing as ambitious as a whole suit of proper Spartan armor before, though.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: N/A
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