hi guys, this is my number 5th attempt a this $%^&* iron man helmet and yes i want to learn to make helmets out of foam. i know pep helmets look better but so those foam helmets if you put effort and time so thats what i want. this is the number 5 helmet since the 4rth in the left was smaller. so i did the helmet again ( the right one ) i am learning from mistakes but i think i will build it again since there are a couple of gaps, a total of 3 to be precise. so if theres anything that i need to improve let me know. i youst couldnt give uo on this since i failed with the other iron man foam helmets that were terrible. so yeah after seeign dragonfyre designs on youtube, i was like see hes iron man foam helmet looks awesome. why cant i do that? so i will continue to keep on going until i finish this helmet and looks perfect. if anyone is wondering, this is 7mm foam . i bought it on pep boys. it comes in a big roll. also i know that i mention that i have a few gaps 3 of them and yes i can fill them with bits of foam but the problem is that they were misplaced and kinda lifted up the helmet so it looks funny even though i fixed it with heat . i planned on covering the holething with foamies but it wont make sense since its not going to make those bumps dissapear. what do you think guys, should i finish this one ??? or make another one?? this one is good but not perfect like i want it. also the left one ( smaller one number 4 helmet ) i didnt cut the top lines that were suppouse to be cut. thats why it looks squarish instead of circular.