Is there a way to not pay 60 dollars for this chief file?


New Member
there's a file I found for a mark 6 cosplay, but the file is 60 HECKIN DOLLARS!
is there a way to get this file for free? please help!
We have a collection of free files available in our index here, which does include a set of Infinite Chief armor
You won't be able to get that file for free unless the creator opted to make them free, and $60 is a reasonable price for high quality files. Many of our members have used files created by Galactic Armory in the past and found them worth the investment.

If you want the style of armor, then the model index that Sweed posted is the place to look. Moesizzlac has a set of Infinite Master Chief armor files available on Thingiverse for example.
Please note that we do not endorse or support Piracy here, most especially not of fan and user created 3D files.
If someone is charging for their files, we will not help you circumvent that and obtain an illicit copy of that file and violate their creative commons license.

If you do not want to pay for files, please feel free to look through the Free File Index linked to you by Sweed. There are still some creators that generously donate their files for use by the community but if someone wants to charge for their files, that is their prerogative and we support them in their endeavor.
I got my armour from thingiverse for free, need to scale the files down a bit but printed beautiffully. Think the guy was called Moe Sizzliac or something like that. Saves forking out a load of cash for files that you dont need to pay for.
I will admit I have bought a few sets from Etsy and Galactic Armory. Spent quite a bit on digital files but I have not had any issues with any of them when printing them
Galactic Armory files are great! If you can wait for it, they usually will do sales on files. Or pay for their patreon tier and get access to a bunch of their files. I nabbed that Chief file half off I think when they did a sale. Great files and great people!

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