J76's Weapons Research: Unsc Combat Knife

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So I considered building myself a Heroic emblem for the workshop.


But that of course requires some dimensions (I'm rather anal about such things) so I went off to Halopedia. It states there that the blade of the UNSC Combat Knife (*the knives on the emblem. Yeah I know they look bigger then knives but they ain't, theyr'e just knives) is 20cm long (7.875'').

So I found a decent picture...


And proceeded to scale it up so I could translate it to a sheet of plyboard to get a good idea if the scale is correct.

So I've done all that and now I need some feed back from the community on the size of it. Once we've determined the size I'll draw a blueprint.

My hand (again) for reference.


The overall length comes in at 310mm (12.205'') which is slightly longer then the standard issue USMC KA-BAR 301mm (11.875''). But I am concerned that the handle is a tad on the short side. It fits my hand pretty well (keep in mind that the cut out is only 7mm thick) just. I don't think that a bigger lad (or lass, the UNSC don't discriminate ) would be able to hold it as comfortably as me.

Anyway onto reference pictures-

Transferred onto ply board.


Cut out.


Held for reference.


More holding...


...then screaming!


Note: This picture was not my idea and I'm sure that if I do ever snap and go on a rampage this is the picture the media will find and use to portray me. Mongrels.

So the question is now do I resize it at all? Please note that the plyboard cutouts that I do are not the builds themselves but are purely for sizing purposes. I think the blade is a good length but the handle may be too small. To scale it up 10% will add only 10mm (less then 1/2'') to the handle but 20mm (0.787'') to the blade, not where we want the length to be going.

Should I resize the handle alone pehaps? Thoughts?




Edit: *Or are they? See below for further riveting discussion.
I'd say to add a bit of length to just the handle. Very few people will be able to tell that the scale is off, as long as the general shape is there.
the ones i made for my crest are 2 feet long or so, so it looks right for the elite skull
well, I might just be able to justify the 2 feet length


Oh P.s. its technical a dagger becuase it is sharp on both sides (also its illegal in some states to have that)
I say that's a pretty good start, one question, or you going to bondo or clay over it to make it more 3D like.

Link: Lol, your rabbit thingy looks lke a chopped off dead elite head that i flood used. Lol it's cool!!
bevbor said:
Wow, brilloant work, but for reference you must use the hand in the GLOVE! :)

A valid point Bevbor. But I won't be picking up any suitable gloves until I get to the under armour stage of my first armour build (which I have no immediate plans of starting). So until then we'll just have to make a few mill allowance for that. ;)

UNSC Spartan said:
Resize the whole knife, else it will look wrong :) :p at least that's what i think

I have considered this and that's why I'm only doing test cut outs and discussing it with you guys at this point.

Loess said:
I'd say to add a bit of length to just the handle. Very few people will be able to tell that the scale is off, as long as the general shape is there.

That's what I'm leaning towards. I'll probably add about 20mm and we can see how it looks.

Lord Perth 16 said:
Scale it so its' comfortable. balls to "Real size!"

Lol, Halo universe sizing definately seems off from "real size" so far that I've found.

link4044 said:
the ones i made for my crest are 2 feet long or so, so it looks right for the elite skull

Very nice Link. I was wondering about the knives in relation to the Elite skull. Thanks for posting the picture too, it's answered a couple of questions I came across while drawing it up.

Spawn Camp3r said:
well, I might just be able to justify the 2 feet length...

here is the pic

Oh P.s. its technical a dagger becuase it is sharp on both sides (also its illegal in some states to have that)

Now I remeber seeing that somewhere in H2 CE bonus features again (I'm just going to have to go watch ALL of the bonus features again. If I could just find the time!)! As for it been a dagger, true it is double edged but the blade shape leans towards a utilitarian design bumping it up from beign purely a stabbing weapon. But really that's splitting hairs I suppose. ;)

Between yours and Links pictures it does seem much more like a machette than a combat knife/dagger (wait, if it's a double edged machette does that make it a dagchette?:lol: ). So should I continue with attempting to get a size to draw it up as a dagger? I'd like to, there are combat knives throughout the games in subtle locations- on certain sets of armour, Forge whips it out in Halo Wars -but is it that knife?

TheSpartanMjolnir said:
I say that's a pretty good start, one question, or you going to bondo or clay over it to make it more 3D like.

Nah, it's just a test for sizing-

juliet76 said:
Please note that the plyboard cutouts that I do are not the builds themselves but are purely for sizing purposes.

LeeKegan said:


I feel my question in regards to the emblem have been answered (thanks Link and Spawn Camper) but if I were to come up with a reasonable size for the dagger would anyone else be interested in me doing up a drawing for the forum?
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Blue prints for this would be wicked cool. and it's simple enough...couple layers of wood, much sanding, and you can has halo dagger.
Sweet! Lookin' good there, buddy. Somehow I expected it to be bigger though lol

Love that last pic. Really got the psycho killer look down pat (you do have the Jayne look about you, btw) :p

Based on the size of the UNSC Combat Knife, how large do you figure the armour plating that makes up the back of the Legendary emblem will be? o_O

P.S.: Haven't seen any recent updates on your concept shotty thread (that's fallen all the way back to Page # 03 here). Don't do what I've done in the past and jump from one project to the next as soon as you get another idea. Before you know it, you'll have so many projects and none of them done, lol.
P.S.: Haven't seen any recent updates on your concept shotty thread (that's fallen all the way back to Page # 03 here). Don't do what I've done in the past and jump from one project to the next as soon as you get another idea. Before you know it, you'll have so many projects and none of them done, lol.

Fear not my good fellow! The Bulldog is still tugging fiercely at it's lead! I just ran out of time on the weekend (had to visit my Ma, spend quality time with Linda) and only had time to do the ply board thing with the dagger. I'm still plugging away at the Bulldog blueprints but I don't know when I'll get the cut out done as Linda and are going to see her family this weekend and get to drive 18 hrs over the course of the 48hrs on the weekend. Wee! :p

That also means that I won't be able to communicate via the net with people at the Texas 'Dig this weekend. :(

Back on topic-

Sweet! Lookin' good there, buddy. Somehow I expected it to be bigger though lol

Love that last pic. Really got the psycho killer look down pat (you do have the Jayne look about you, btw) :p

Based on the size of the UNSC Combat Knife, how large do you figure the armour plating that makes up the back of the Legendary emblem will be? o_O

I'm now feeling that I'll make the emblem crest sized like Link's for my workshop and do up some blueprints as a seperate thing all together for the dagger.

Jayne huh? You know I'm hearing that a lot lately. :lol:

Lord Perth 16 said:
Blue prints for this would be wicked cool. and it's simple enough...couple layers of wood, much sanding, and you can has halo dagger.

Cool. I'll do some more scaling/cut outs and when we've got a good size I'll do the drawing. ;)
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juliet76 said:
Fear not my good fellow! The Bulldog is still tugging fiercely at it's lead! I just ran out of time on the weekend (had to visit my Ma, spend quality time with Linda) and only had time to do the ply board thing with the dagger. I'm still plugging away at the Bulldog blueprints but I don't know when I'll get the cut out done as Linda and are going to see her family this weekend and get to drive 18 hrs over the course of the 48hrs on the weekend. Wee! :p

That also means that I won't be able to communicate via the net with people at the Texas 'Dig this weekend. :(

Back on topic-

I'm now feeling that I'll make the emblem crest sized like Link's for my workshop and do up some blueprints as a seperate thing all together for the dagger.

Jayne huh? You know I'm hearing that a lot lately. :lol:


Okay, good. Just wanted to make sure the Bulldog wasn't getting left at the wayside. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to see more of that beast, lol.

Believe me, I understand wanting to spend quality time with the gf, my friend. Family's very important to me, too. It seriously sucks you have to spend that much time driving around, though. Yikes!

Kewl. I agree that to do the emblem crest any smaller just doesn't do it justice. It's meant to be big, lol. I take it you're going to do up a separate set of combat knives to be in scale with the emblem, then?
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juliet76 said:
I feel my question in regards to the emblem have been answered (thanks Link and Spawn Camper) but if I were to come up with a reasonable size for the dagger would anyone else be interested in me doing up a drawing for the forum?
Drawings would be awesome! My forge is feeling lonely, since I haven't heated it up for a couple months...
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I'd keep it the same size, not scale it at all. It's a piece of military equipment and military equipment uses universal sizing. It universally doesn't fit anyone. :D
Did you do the dimples on the handle with a wood burning tool? And if so, would a soldering iron work to get the same effect?
Ice065 said:
Did you do the dimples on the handle with a wood burning tool? And if so, would a soldering iron work to get the same effect?

Actually no, A drill bit and wood stain gave it the darker look.
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