So I considered building myself a Heroic emblem for the workshop.
But that of course requires some dimensions (I'm rather anal about such things) so I went off to Halopedia. It states there that the blade of the UNSC Combat Knife (*the knives on the emblem. Yeah I know they look bigger then knives but they ain't, theyr'e just knives) is 20cm long (7.875'').
So I found a decent picture...
And proceeded to scale it up so I could translate it to a sheet of plyboard to get a good idea if the scale is correct.
So I've done all that and now I need some feed back from the community on the size of it. Once we've determined the size I'll draw a blueprint.
My hand (again) for reference.
The overall length comes in at 310mm (12.205'') which is slightly longer then the standard issue USMC KA-BAR 301mm (11.875''). But I am concerned that the handle is a tad on the short side. It fits my hand pretty well (keep in mind that the cut out is only 7mm thick) just. I don't think that a bigger lad (or lass, the UNSC don't discriminate ) would be able to hold it as comfortably as me.
Anyway onto reference pictures-
Transferred onto ply board.
Cut out.
Held for reference.
More holding...
...then screaming!
Note: This picture was not my idea and I'm sure that if I do ever snap and go on a rampage this is the picture the media will find and use to portray me. Mongrels.
So the question is now do I resize it at all? Please note that the plyboard cutouts that I do are not the builds themselves but are purely for sizing purposes. I think the blade is a good length but the handle may be too small. To scale it up 10% will add only 10mm (less then 1/2'') to the handle but 20mm (0.787'') to the blade, not where we want the length to be going.
Should I resize the handle alone pehaps? Thoughts?
Edit: *Or are they? See below for further riveting discussion.
But that of course requires some dimensions (I'm rather anal about such things) so I went off to Halopedia. It states there that the blade of the UNSC Combat Knife (*the knives on the emblem. Yeah I know they look bigger then knives but they ain't, theyr'e just knives) is 20cm long (7.875'').
So I found a decent picture...
And proceeded to scale it up so I could translate it to a sheet of plyboard to get a good idea if the scale is correct.
So I've done all that and now I need some feed back from the community on the size of it. Once we've determined the size I'll draw a blueprint.
My hand (again) for reference.
The overall length comes in at 310mm (12.205'') which is slightly longer then the standard issue USMC KA-BAR 301mm (11.875''). But I am concerned that the handle is a tad on the short side. It fits my hand pretty well (keep in mind that the cut out is only 7mm thick) just. I don't think that a bigger lad (or lass, the UNSC don't discriminate ) would be able to hold it as comfortably as me.
Anyway onto reference pictures-
Transferred onto ply board.
Cut out.
Held for reference.
More holding...
...then screaming!
Note: This picture was not my idea and I'm sure that if I do ever snap and go on a rampage this is the picture the media will find and use to portray me. Mongrels.
So the question is now do I resize it at all? Please note that the plyboard cutouts that I do are not the builds themselves but are purely for sizing purposes. I think the blade is a good length but the handle may be too small. To scale it up 10% will add only 10mm (less then 1/2'') to the handle but 20mm (0.787'') to the blade, not where we want the length to be going.
Should I resize the handle alone pehaps? Thoughts?
Edit: *Or are they? See below for further riveting discussion.