Ka5p3rs 99% finished armor and BFG

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Well-Known Member
Well guys instead of posting in the Noble Team thread again, i figured maybe more would see this this way.

Well as most of you have seen on that thread this has been a long build. The whole armor was made by me except the biceps and the left thigh. Those were done by brandon, He made amazing Biceps they have such great details as did the thigh. My chest is all pep and so was the shins and cod. The boots, forearms and red shoulder were sculpted by me and then sent out to Brandon to be molded and cast in flex foam. The helmet is done from pep and the lower details are made from foam. I made the right thigh to mimic brandons thigh out of the eva foam. all the under suit and thigh inner details were made from a foam i bought and cut the details into, then my wife sewed the under suit to have all most all the details. if you have seen the other thread then you would have seen the BFG i had been working on if not this will be your first view of the beast, I wanna thank everyone for helping make an amazing suit from the modelers to Brandon and all the noble team. well thats enuff talk on to the pics. i really hope the undersuit details are able to be seen, if not ill have better pics at dragoncon.



wow looking amazing! :D what did you sculpt the forearms and shoulder plate in? looks to be a great job, really smooth! :D
That looks awesome! Best Emile I've seen, looks like it's time for me to get off of my lazy butt and get it done :p Great job, that right there is something to be very, very proud of.
thanks guys for the comments. i sculpted the parts using Van Aken clays then after i did the first cast brandon did the finishing touches and the final cast
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