Karas (Tatsunoko) Build

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New Member

I've been keeping this secret for way too long. I've been gathering some techniques here and there posted on the 405th, and decided to venture and try to make my own set of armor. I will be constructing the costume of Karas, the main character in Karas: The Prophecy and Revelation. For those of you who do not know, Karas is one of those awesome suited Japanese superheroes in one awesome anime.


He's like Batman, only that he can actually transform into a jet and car. Although Karas was introduced in 2004, he was revitalized in the video game Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I'm praying he's still a popular character. Lol!

The armor is quite the ambitious attempt. He's got a lot of parts that are near impossible physically, which is pretty counter-productive when creating the costume. However, for some reason, I'm still head strong in creating his armor.


The helmet, most of which is complete.


The entire build thus far.


Some armor plates.


The rear torso pieces.


The front torso pieces.


The forearm (to be resined).


First half of the leg armor.


The helmet and my harness (humorously drawn as an Earth Kingdom cap).


Helmet side view.


My duct tape freakishly skinny alien mannequin, which will be armored soon (hopefully).​

As for the process, I start with creating a papercraft pattern from scratch. From there, I print, cut, glue, etc, etc. Each part is printed three times. One is for a base layer, another for reinforcement, and another to get rid of all the wrinkles and such. This process makes the papercraft extremely sturdy. From there on, I used a technique I stole from one of you guys to make props. I basically use Fiberglass Resin on the inside first, doing two layers, and then doing two layers on the outside. Since there is an abundance of 150lb cardstock layers, there is no need for fiberglass fabric. To cut on time and money, I decided to opt out of putting Bondo Body Filler on the outside of the armor parts. To compensate, I have carefully brushed on all the Fiberglass Resin to be as smooth as possible. I do not plan on sanding the armor. Finally, the armor parts will have added detail once my Apoxie epoxy-based modeling clay comes in. I will have to add trimming, orbs, and some other neat things to the armor. After that, I will of course, prime, paint, and prep for wearing.

I'm trying to catch a convention at the end of June, so that's my deadline. Also, due to this insane deadline, I will be saving all the weapons for last. Hopefully I'll get around to making them!

Of course, no Karas is without his Yurine!


(No, I'm not the one responsible for making this awesome costume.)


All comments, critiques, and suggestions are welcome. More updates to come!
Lord this is awesome! I love faces one of my favorite anime, I'm sure will be very good.
Very interested in the file, it is possible to obtain from you.

Señor esto es impresionante! me encanta caras uno de mis anime favoritos, estoy seguro que sera muy bueno.
Muy interesado en el archivo, existe la posibilidad de obtener de usted.
wow this is awesome and that helmet looks sick!!! can you please PM me the file? btw good luck man, it is looking great =D
Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm trying really hard to meet my deadline, so I haven't had the chance to post any updates.


My friend's duct tape mannequin exploded one morning. R.I.P. Colonel Sanders.


Belt buckle papercrafted. It was a pain to get the math on that right.


Apoxie modeling clay finally came in and this stuff is FANTASTIC! Started to scupt some awesome details onto my armor.


Resining and re-resining some parts.


Test fit.


Helmet primed. Blemishes are shown, which I later had to sand down.






Did some sculpting on the arms. Realized that the gauntlets had a few more details than I saw earlier. I'll have to pay the price for having these parts being awfully heavy now.


Other parts that had the Apoxie treatment. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that this stuff can actually warp the armor further. My belt no longer fits, but I have made additional links to accommodate.


Some more sculpting. Trying to add more "muscle" to the armor to make it look more organic.


Upper torso completed.


Most of all the armor parts I have crafted so far. Pelvic piece has warped pretty badly, making visible seams and strapping a pain for now.


Getting ready to paint some more.



The helmet became the first victim of a paint job.


Some other parts waiting to get fiberglass resined.


I didn't think I had time, but what the hell. Made the Kunai on his gauntlets.


Working on the helmet now. Though, I don't have a steady hand to make such crisp lines, so my girlfriend helped.


Up-close on the paint job. The gold modeling paint I bought is friggin' BEAST.


Another close-up.


Gotta say, the flat protective enamel coat I applied definitely helps make it smoother than it really is.


Dressing-room test shot. You can see my friend who is building an ODST on the left.


Strapping has been done for the upper torso and gauntlets. So far my plans are working well.


Me in Yurine's jacket.


Lenses attached and paint job finalized. The helmet is pretty much finished. However, I may go in and do some more touch up on the paint if time permits.




Camera-flash check. I've noticed a lot of lenses allow you to see the eyes of the wearer when flash is on. Somehow I'm still invisible!


Up-close on the paint job of the iris. Used metallic chrome paint and then overlapped that with a layer of Tamiya translucent green. Tried to give it a gem like effect, but I'm not sure if I'm pulling it off correctly.


My helmet with some pretty effects on it.

I'm working like crazy to get the rest of the armor done. My deadline is within 6 days, thankfully with a week of leeway, but hopefully I'll be able to pull it off!
And for those of you who are asking for the 3D model, unfortunately I did not use Pepakura to make the helmet. I modeled it in Google Sketchup (bad idea), which then I tried to explode to make the helmet. Needless to say, it wasn't the prettiest of things to get exploded, and I had to retrace every polygon by hand to construct the helmet. Unfortunately, the way I papercraft isn't very conventional, and the drawings I have made are pretty incoherent, and not very user friendly. Sorry guys.
Wow this is one bad ass costume! I love it! :)
I am thinking of doing a new build once my Masterchief and Ironman are done and this is exactly the type of armour I am thinking of.
Very impressed especially as you didn't use any pep as such.

+1 subscription.

Keep up the good work,

P.s. LOLed at the hands holding the shoulder pads in place :)
Bloody amazing work! As for the "gem" effect on the eyes? I don't know it I'd call it 'gem', but they are mesmerizingly well done! Can't wait to see how this project comes along.
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