LD MK VI Helmet.. first build..

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New Member
I know the bonding needs more work.. but i want to know what you guys think






Looks like a solid first effort (the camera flash makes it hard to pick up the detail).

It looks to be fairly symetrical, except perhaps a small flat spot on top? I think with a bit more filler and sanding you'll have a very good piece. Well done.
yeah...forgot to take off flash on my iphone... i think after a few rounds of bonding and sanding.. my skillz will get better
Looks good.

what i would do with the paint though is add more shading.
You basicly start with a darker shade of the colour you want to use and then work it up to tha actual shade you want it to be. Trick here is to leave a bit of darker shade exposed around edges and holes.
Personally i think it adds more to the complete picture.

Practise makes perfect, so don't bang your head to hard about the bonding and sanding. now you know and you can thake that knowledge and use it on your next project.

Other then that, i'd say you did a well enough job.

Sincerily yours,
yeah after i decided a month ago to build LD suit... and have it ready for halloween... im absolutely sure if had MORE TIME ... i would have made more details.. but after halloween im goin for the HD build... then odst... but i would have to say everybody here is so helpful... you guys save my ass... alot...
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