Loaded Thread: Painting, harness, helmet - MKV [B] 3D Print (AUS)


New Member
Hi all, I haven't found a straight-up answer to my many questions yet. If you know of a thread, please point me in the right direction. I would greatly appreciate that. I decided to put all my questions and queries in one place, so be prepared to read. For background, I am currently 3d printing my suit (hopefully in time for November, although that's probably wishful thinking). In the meantime, I'm trying to organise everything in prep for putting it together.

1. Paint

My paint plan is to do a primary colour of Green (or Teal) and a secondary Purple. Or vice versa.
Should I do a base coat of white or black first, before adding the colours or go straight to colours after priming?

I was thinking of spray painting it rather than hand painting (assuming I can find the exact colours I need). Are there any recommended Aussie brands that are good for 3d prints?

I'm also looking for any recommendations for sealing sprays, etc., for the base colours before and/or after weathering. Preferably Aussie brands as well.

2. The Harness
This is probably a silly question, but is there anywhere I could find an image or drawing of how the armour is joined together with clips and nylon? It would be especially helpful if it's related to the MK V suit.

At the moment, I don't know how I'm going to keep my shin or knee pieces on. My shin piece fits the side of my legs, but it's wider at the front and back, so I know I'll need some padding. I can visualise how I can get the majority of the armour to work, but not all of it.

3. Helmet

I know some people have fans and mics in their helmets. What kinds of places sell that kind of thing? When it comes to electronics, I am an absolute baby, and I have no clue about that stuff. This is probably going to be a later project due to the close time limit I've set myself, so it's not urgent. I have no doubt it's going to be very warm wearing my helmet without the fans, but hopefully, it's mostly doable.
Any suggestions or threads I can look into down the track would be super handy.

For the visor, I'm planning to use a PET plastic sheets with window tint. I'd love to do a colour but I think black will have to do for now. Anyone who has done something similar, is 5% tint too dark? I'd like to hide my face but still be able to see inside the conventions.

Hopefully, I haven't doubled up on any existing threads. I appreciate your patience!
Hi all, I haven't found a straight-up answer to my many questions yet. If you know of a thread, please point me in the right direction. I would greatly appreciate that. I decided to put all my questions and queries in one place, so be prepared to read. For background, I am currently 3d printing my suit (hopefully in time for November, although that's probably wishful thinking). In the meantime, I'm trying to organise everything in prep for putting it together.

1. Paint

My paint plan is to do a primary colour of Green (or Teal) and a secondary Purple. Or vice versa.
Should I do a base coat of white or black first, before adding the colours or go straight to colours after priming?

I was thinking of spray painting it rather than hand painting (assuming I can find the exact colours I need). Are there any recommended Aussie brands that are good for 3d prints?

I'm also looking for any recommendations for sealing sprays, etc., for the base colours before and/or after weathering. Preferably Aussie brands as well.

2. The Harness
This is probably a silly question, but is there anywhere I could find an image or drawing of how the armour is joined together with clips and nylon? It would be especially helpful if it's related to the MK V suit.

At the moment, I don't know how I'm going to keep my shin or knee pieces on. My shin piece fits the side of my legs, but it's wider at the front and back, so I know I'll need some padding. I can visualise how I can get the majority of the armour to work, but not all of it.

3. Helmet

I know some people have fans and mics in their helmets. What kinds of places sell that kind of thing? When it comes to electronics, I am an absolute baby, and I have no clue about that stuff. This is probably going to be a later project due to the close time limit I've set myself, so it's not urgent. I have no doubt it's going to be very warm wearing my helmet without the fans, but hopefully, it's mostly doable.
Any suggestions or threads I can look into down the track would be super handy.

For the visor, I'm planning to use a PET plastic sheets with window tint. I'd love to do a colour but I think black will have to do for now. Anyone who has done something similar, is 5% tint too dark? I'd like to hide my face but still be able to see inside the conventions.

Hopefully, I haven't doubled up on any existing threads. I appreciate your patience!
1. For paint there's multiple ways I've seen people go about it. Personally, I do a white primer, then I got from lightest color to darkest while placing tape down between layers. For example, one of my suits is red and gold. I did white primer, gold, tape to keep gold, red, tape to keep red, black, then one giant tape peal, then clear coat. Any small detail hard to cover or outline with tape, I hand paint with acrylic. This is usually for smaller details.

2. Here's a strapping guide. Not every type of armor will be exactly the same for strapping but this definitely gives a good idea for how to do it!

3. I only have an answer for helmet fans, but I've gotten fans from Henry's Helmet Fans on Etsy. Idk what the shipping to Australia is like, but they're all USB wired, so there's no soldering and you can just plug them into a power bank.
1. Paint... "Should I ..."
You should test, then decide what you like. Plastic spoons are common test subjects. Personally I recommend printing some XYZ calibration cubes, then run them through your entire process of sanding, filling, priming and so on. Each cube then becomes 6 color tests/samples.
Failed prints are also great for side-by-side sampling

2. Harness. There's lots of threads for harnessing up armor. Every armor is going to be different so take them for concept you can carry over to your build. Concepts from ODST and Mandalorian apply to Spartan just as well.

3. Helmet electronics
Have you seen the tutorials for those here on the site?
There's also the #Electronics channel of the 405th Discord server that's very active.

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