Looking For A (Very) Basic Cardboard Halo Suit Blueprint

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Hello all:

I have a 7 year old that want's to be shrouded in HALO armor for Halloween. I started doing some research it's repeatedly me brought me here. Accept, the Pepakura process is not want I'm looking for, mainly because for one, I'm on a Mac, and while the process and the craftsmanship shown here in these forums is mindblowing, it's simply unrealistic to think it's something I could even attempt to do at this point.

I've tried to do some research just trying to see if there was a basic method with cardboard/ductape to piece together armor pieces. I've found a few examples of some nice work on YouTube that were done without Pepakura. Obviously not the same quality, but still impressive and much more realistic for my timeframe for a few weekends. I'm not at all experienced at doing any of the above, but I'm pretty good with my hands, and I have an art background, I'm just looking for some additional resources that could get me up to speed.

Does anyone have any plans or blueprints for armor that I could do in this fashion? Any help or suggestions in appreciated.

Its your own creativity for cardboard my friend. Visualize the parts, Visualize how they will fit together to form the bigger parts. Thats the best i can help you.

If you dont think you can build from scratch, then why are you opposed to the idea of Pepakura? Download a low resolutiion model, Fold accordingly and glue parts to coodernating number

best of luck!
Well luckely, I was doing a search for this, and I found something.


I hope that helps.

Good luck!
Wow you've got some time to do it. Well to finish making a cardboard version at least. I was in your shoes last year Making one for my nephew and discovered the forums after I had already made the armor. I had three weeks as well to make one and this what I made. The pic looks bad it's came from my phone and I did use cardboard, poster board, hot glue, and tons of duct tape. Duct tape helps with holding everything and it works awesome when making battle damage on your armor. If you scrap some paint for while it's still wet the silver comes out. No need to buy silver paint. Just get started on the helmet first and then knock out the chest. Made the mistake of making other pieces first and was in a real rush in the end. now I'm making an ODST costume .Good luck on your armor. Hope to see some pics later.

Now it looks horrible to me after discovering how to use Pepakura.LOL
Thanks for the links and reference material guys. I started yesterday with the chest and back plate. I'm going to assemble a "vest" that straps with velcro on the sides that attach to the lower front of the torso piece.

I'll post some pics as soon as I "firm" this up a bit. I'm have more questions along the way.

Thank again.
If your main problem is with pepakura (and mac), I'd be happy to help convert some files to .pdf for you if that helps. There are several "low grade" models floating around. If you get the time, send me the links and the measurements for your Junior Chief. ;) However, good luck otherwise with cardboard (as pepakura is a bit time consuming.)


If you have time to print out a low-res/med res pepakura model to PDF for 53 inch in height, that would be fantastic! (I added a couple inches — I would imagine him growing by the time I'd finish such a project!)

Again, only if you find the time, that would be pretty awesome to try, if anything, for the helmet. For now, I'm thinking of modifying and painting an old paintball helmet for now.

I can't print out the files for you, but I can convert them to .pdf . I'll dredge through some of my old files for a low grade master chief helmet. PM me your email and I'll send it from the following gmail account: shark006.875@gmail.com

Well after 2 nights of cutting and pasting, here's what I got so far. Backpack plate and a chest plate. I'm basically eyeballing pictures and kinda making it up as I go.


I know its nothing compared the the detail of the Pepakura results, but I'll settle for it being half as cool as @LdoSpartN 's cardboard suit!

Tomorrow I'm gonna start working on the deltoid/bicep pieces.
damn, that looks pretty nice actually. Good job on it. Should look real good when all painted. Paint changes teh look of stuff sooo much.
Hey everyone, just want to thank the members of this community. I didn't go the route of papercraft, because I simply didn't have enough time (but thanks Sniperbaas392 anyway for the files). But now that Halloween is over , I may give it a try.

My son was the envy of the neighborhood, and that's all that matters to me, Thank you all again for the links and some of the resources, every bit helped, here's some pics.


After this pic, I sharpied in some detail line work on the armor.


My son appreciated the attention to detail, LOL...



Thanks again guys!
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