Looking for Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian fans to help with getting resources

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Hey 405th.
Im gona keep this brief.Im looking for someone in the mediteranian region(prefferably near Croatia and/or Bosnia and Serbia) that can help me with getting the right resources to start an armor build(when i say help,i mean suggest products and where i can buy them(also,i plan on making a Halo 4 MK-V)).I dont exactly know how bondo and fiberglass resin are called here and wether they are even available or not,so id like to know about alternatives that i can use.

Though preferably,id much rather find a way to get EVA foam.It seems like much less of a hassle to build and i wont get lung cancer(or whatever) if i dont wear a gas mask.Srsly tho,EVA would be much preffered. :p

P.S.-I wasnt sure if i should post this somewhere else on the forums(if i even can) so i put it here in the noob part.If any mods want to move this to the appropriate place i would be most gratefull.Unless its not necesary,then its no problem. :)
EVA penu potraži u kineskim radnjama. 4 table koštaju oko 800 dinara. Ako ti je ti skupo, koristi lepenku ( presovani karton ), ona je nekih 60 dinara i ne moraš ni da radiš sa fiberglasom i bondom. Umesto toga koristiš drvofiks i glet masu pomešanu sa drvofiksom.
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