Looking for files/Halo 3 ODSTs Armor


New Member
So I've been looking for any thread or forum for the ODST armor in Halo 3.
Searching "Halo 3 ODST armor" and any variation that tries to single out Halo 3 and not the game ODST, has brought up nothing.
The 3D files under the armory only have the helmet and not the body.

Does anyone know if there are STLs for the Halo 3, ODST troopers?
Halo  The Master Chief Collection Screenshot 2024.04.21 -


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    Halo The Master Chief Collection Screenshot 2024.04.21 -
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    Halo The Master Chief Collection Screenshot 2024.04.21 -
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  • Halo  The Master Chief Collection Screenshot 2024.04.21 -
    Halo The Master Chief Collection Screenshot 2024.04.21 -
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The Armor worn by Alpha-9 in Halo 3: ODST is intended to be the same armor as worn by the ODSTS on The Ark in Halo 3, just with some some accessories and attachments. So, if you take the Rookie's Armor, and leave off the minimal accessories he has, the thigh and shin pouches, you would have the armor as worn by the Troopers on The Ark:

The Armor worn by Alpha-9 in Halo 3: ODST is intended to be the same armor as worn by the ODSTS on The Ark in Halo 3, just with some some accessories and attachments. So, if you take the Rookie's Armor, and leave off the minimal accessories he has, the thigh and shin pouches, you would have the armor as worn by the Troopers on The Ark:

Appreciate the reply, I know the H3:ODST guys are very similar.
Giving it a further look, I guess the main difference I'm looking for is the shoulder pad from the H3 - ODST troopers, as that seems to be the only glaring difference I can find. Aside from all the additional pouches and pockets on the Alpha Nine guys.

Thank you for the links as well.


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