Looking to 3D Print Halo Reach armor


New Member
Hi there, ive finally got myself a great 3d printer. For a while beforehand i could easily find Halo Reach files you could purchase, From the full set to each attatchment ready to be printed. Now since i last looked, these have completely vanished? I notice we have "the armory" which is kind of similar, but these files were ready to go .stl, files. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? I believe the ones i was looking for were by "Nerdforgedesigns"
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Also, be careful with the scaling of NerdForgeDesigns files. I am currently working with his Reach Pilot Helmet and I had to scale it up 20% just to get it to fit around my head, I'm unsure if I need it to be bigger. I wont know for certain until I get it finished printing and test mount some electronics. I know it was supposed to be bigger than what Armorsmith loaded it in as default because the Pilot helmet has magnets and after scaling it up 20% the magnets still needed to get hammered in to fit.
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